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Como excluir mensagens de e-mail (itens) permanentemente no Outlook?

Autor: Kelly Última modificação: 2020-05-21

Como você sabe, ao excluir uma mensagem de e-mail da pasta Caixa de entrada, essa mensagem não é removida permanentemente e você pode encontrá-la na pasta Excluir itens. Se quiser remover esta mensagem permanentemente, você deve excluí-la da pasta Excluir itens novamente. Parece tedioso! Na verdade, existem vários truques para excluir mensagens de e-mail ou itens permanentemente no Microsoft Outlook.

Exclua mensagens de e-mail permanentemente da pasta Caixa de entrada com atalhos

Você pode excluir facilmente as mensagens de e-mail da pasta Caixa de entrada.

1. Abra a pasta Caixa de entrada, selecione para realçar as mensagens de e-mail na pasta Caixa de entrada que você irá excluir permanentemente e pressione as teclas Shift + Excluir ao mesmo tempo.

2. Em uma caixa de diálogo pop-up de aviso, clique no botão Sim botão. Em seguida, todas as mensagens de e-mail selecionadas na pasta Caixa de entrada são excluídas permanentemente.
doc deletar permanentemente 1

(1) Este método também pode ser usado para excluir permanentemente mensagens de e-mail de outras pastas, como a pasta Itens enviados, a pasta Rascunhos, a pasta Caixa de saída, etc.
(2) Segurando o Shift , você pode selecionar várias mensagens de e-mail adjacentes clicando na primeira mensagem de e-mail e na última.
(3) Segurando o Ctrl , você pode selecionar várias mensagens de e-mail não adjacentes clicando em cada uma separadamente.

Pesquise e exclua e-mails duplicados rapidamente no Outlook

Com Kutools para Outlook Emails duplicados recurso, você pode rapidamente localizar e excluí-los de várias pastas de correio ou localizar e excluir todas as duplicatas das selecionadas com dois cliques no Outlook.

anúncio excluir e-mails duplicados kto 9.50

Exclua permanentemente e-mails / itens antigos da pasta Caixa de entrada com AutoArquivar

Este método irá guiá-lo para arquivar emails antigos da pasta Caixa de entrada com o recurso AutoArquivar, que pode excluir emails antigos de forma automática e permanente.

1. No painel de navegação, clique com o botão direito na pasta Caixa de entrada e selecione Propriedades no menu de contexto. Veja a imagem:

2. Na caixa de diálogo Propriedades da caixa de entrada de abertura, vá para o AutoArquivar guia e faça o seguinte: (1) Verifique o Arquive esta pasta usando estas configurações opção; (2) Defina o e-mail antigo conforme necessário, como 3 meses; (3) Verifique o Excluir itens antigos permanentemente opção.

3. Clique no OK para salvar as configurações.
De agora em diante, ele excluirá automática e permanentemente e-mails / itens anteriores ao período de tempo definido da pasta Caixa de entrada.

Note: Este método também pode excluir automaticamente e permanentemente e-mails / itens antigos de outras pastas, como Itens enviados pasta, Calendário pastas, etc.

Exclua mensagens de e-mail permanentemente na pasta Excluir itens

Se você já excluiu muitas mensagens de e-mail antes, poderá removê-las permanentemente da pasta Excluir itens rapidamente.

1. No painel de navegação, clique com o botão direito no Excluir itens pasta e clique no Pasta vazia no menu do botão direito.

2. Uma caixa de diálogo de aviso é exibida. Basta clicar no Sim para sair desta caixa de diálogo.

Então, todas as mensagens de e-mail excluídas são removidas permanentemente do Microsoft Outlook de uma vez.

Note: Se a pasta de itens excluídos incluir subpastas, após clicar Sim botão na caixa de diálogo de aviso, todos os itens na pasta Itens excluídos serão removidos, incluindo as subpastas.

Remova permanentemente todos os itens excluídos do Outlook

Existe um método alternativo para remover permanentemente todos os itens excluídos do Microsoft Outlook imediatamente. Você pode fazer o seguinte:

1. Abra a caixa de diálogo Limpeza da caixa de correio:
A. Se você estiver usando o Outlook 2007, clique no Ferramentas > Esvaziar a pasta "Excluir itens".
B. Se você estiver usando o Outlook 2010 ou versões posteriores, clique no botão Envie o > Info > Ferramentas de limpeza > Esvaziar pasta de itens de exclusão.

2. Na caixa de diálogo de aviso pop-up, basta clicar no Sim botão para fechá-lo.

Então, tudo na pasta Excluir itens será removido permanentemente em um minuto. 

Note: Se a pasta de itens excluídos incluir subpastas, após clicar Sim botão na caixa de diálogo de aviso, todos os itens na pasta Itens excluídos serão removidos, incluindo as subpastas.

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Comments (16)
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i continue to receive messages that will restore permanently deleted emails how can i stop anyone from restoring my emails?
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I want to turn off purge from my email account, Outlook 2010. When a message gets deleted it is not going to my deleted items it is being purged and can't be recovered. How do I turn off the purge option?
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I like the shift delete move to delete msgs, but they do not permanently delete the emails as I would love. They go somewhere in space and I have to now select "permanently" deleted emails one at a time and hit purge to get rid of them. Why not a setting to do a single action that really, really, permanently deletes emails.
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Hi David,
Which version of Outlook are you using now? The Outlook updates frequently, and the features vary based on Outlook versions.
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When I delete empty folders, they return after a few minutes. I have numerous folders that I need to delete. I have a mess! Please advise. Marianne
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This article is talking about methods of deleting emails! For deleting folders, this article may help you.
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My outlook is 1995 to2003, I can not find advice how to permanently delete my e-mails, the problem I am having is when I delete my inbox to deleted items, when I press send/ recieve I am getting some old e-mails that I have deleted coming back through with the new ones, could someone please tell me what to do to rectify the problem. Thankyou
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as i studied the issue i think i now understand how it works and hopefully the solution for it, as follows (if you have a gmail account connected to your outlook): when you first set up outlook it will put a setting that when you delete an item it should move it to the Deleted items folder on the server. but the problem is that gmail has long changed its Deleted items-recycle folder to folder called BIN. so because of this it happaned that when you set up outlook it added-created to gmail list of folders a folder called Deleted items what in fact does nothing but store emails as the Important folder for example. so now if you really want to delete an email you have to move it to the Bin folder by right clicking the item > move to > select folder, onence moved go to Bin folder, Shift delete and than finaly wil be gone forever. and you should change setting that when deleting should automatically move to Bin folder rather than Deleted items folder, you do this by going to File > Accounts setting > Email > Change > More settings > Deleted items, select Bin folder, ok etc, and now you shold be done. The same idea is with sent email where in outlook is called Sent items when in gmail is called Sent mail and because of this creates double sent copys.
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i suppose you all got this by now, but as this is the top ranking page with this problem and i can't see no answer i'll just dump it here. what you need to do, after you delete your messages holding shift button - you will have to go to edit/purge (which will only show if you have deleted emails) and choose what suits you best. please note that this solution applies to the IMAP accounts and outlook 2007.
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[quote]i suppose you all got this by now, but as this is the top ranking page with this problem and i can't see no answer i'll just dump it here. what you need to do, after you delete your messages holding shift button - you will have to go to edit/purge (which will only show if you have deleted emails) and choose what suits you best. please note that this solution applies to the IMAP accounts and outlook 2007.By makondo[/quote] Thanks alot my friend it worked lieka CHARM!!!! You have a very happy, prosperous, wealthy NEW YEAR!!!
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Hi I have a a few folders in the deleted item. Even i follow that way, i press deleted, but the folder still come after 1 minute later. Can advise how to delete these folders frm the deleted item permanently.
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Hi, Well, whatever it says over here, still NOT permanently delete. Check it: Follow the steps over here, once its done. Log into OWA (Outlook Web App) you can recover everything just by one lick on "Recover" option. :)
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In Outlook 2010, when I delete a subfolder, the program deletes ALL my stored emails in other subfolders as well as whatever is still in my Inbox! Does anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it? HELP!!!
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OK i have a similar problem. I cant receive or send emails because it says i have exceeded my email limit and must delete some data by pressing SHIFT n DELETE at the same time. Not only did i follow Outlooks suggestions, i have followed all of the suggestions above but damn, nothing solves the problem. Can anyone help? is my email and can pick up your message on my phone. Thanks in advance
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I have tried all the methods suggested and I still have c,400 messages in my Inbox which I have tried every way I can think to delete of including your suggestions. I want them to disappear from my Inbox, go to Deleted items and be deleted. Instead they are simply crossed out in the Inbox. By sending/moving them to the Deleted Items, where indeed I can delete them, and by their remaining in my Inbox, all that is happening is that I am copying not removing them to the Deleted Items. I want to REMOVE them altogether. This is very unsatisfactory.
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Is there a way to permanently delete emails in the recipients mailbox?
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