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Como agrupar e classificar e-mails por mês no Outlook?

Autor: Kelly Última modificação: 2020-05-08

Os e-mails são classificados por data de recebimento na caixa de entrada do Outlook por padrão. No entanto, não existe um comando para classificar ou agrupar todos os e-mails pelo mês recebido. Aqui, vou apresentar uma forma de agrupar e classificar todos os e-mails por mês no Outlook.

Agrupe ou classifique e-mails por mês no Outlook usando o código VBA

Agrupe ou classifique e-mails por mês no Outlook usando o código VBA

Este método irá guiá-lo para criar uma nova coluna chamada Mês, em seguida aplicar uma macro VBA para extrair o mês recebido para a nova coluna e então você pode classificar ou agrupar todos os emails pela coluna Mês no Outlook.

1.  Abra uma pasta de e-mail onde você classificará ou agrupará e-mails por mês e clique no Configurações de exibição botão no Ver guia no Outlook 2010 e versão posterior.

doc classificar e-mails por mês 1

Observação: No Outlook 2007, você pode clicar no Ver > Visão atual > Personalize a visualização atual.

2. Na vinda Configurações da Visualização Avançada / Personalizar Visualização caixa de diálogo, clique no botão colunas botão (ou Campos botão).

doc classificar e-mails por mês 2

3. No Mostrar coluna / campos caixa de diálogo, clique no botão Nova Coluna botão (ou Novo campo botão) para abrir a caixa de diálogo Nova Coluna / Campo, digite Mês no Nome caixa, manter Texto selecionado em ambos Formato caixa e Formato e, em seguida, clique no OK botão. Veja a imagem abaixo:

doc classificar e-mails por mês 3

4.  Agora você volta para o Mostrar colunas / campos caixa de diálogo, clique para selecionar o Mês item no Mostre essas colunas (ou Campos) nesta ordem caixa e mova-a para baixo da Recebido clicando no botão Mover para cima botão e, por fim, clique no OK botão.

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5. Clique no OK botão para fechar o Configurações da Visualização Avançada / Personalizar Visualização caixa de diálogo.

6. Selecione todos os e-mails na pasta de abertura selecionando qualquer e-mail e pressionando o Ctrl + A chaves simultaneamente.

Note: Se o Painel de leitura está ligando, feche-o clicando no Ver > Painel de leitura > Off.

7. Abra o Microsoft Visual Basic para Aplicações janela pressionando o outro + F11 enquanto isso, e depois clique no inserção > Módulo.

8. Cole a seguinte macro VBA no módulo:

VBA: classificar ou agrupar e-mails por mês

Sub ListSelectionMonth()
	Dim aObj As Object
	Dim oProp As Outlook.UserProperty
	Dim sMonth
	On Error Resume Next
	For Each aObj In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
		Set oMail = aObj
		sMonth = Month(oMail.ReceivedTime)
		Set oProp = oMail.UserProperties.Add("Month", olText, True)
		oProp.Value = sMonth
End Sub

9. aperte o F5 chave para executar esta macro VBA.

10. Agora, cada mês recebido de e-mail é extraído para o seguinte Mês coluna. Para classificar todos os e-mails por mês nesta pasta de abertura, basta clicar no cabeçalho da coluna de Mês. Veja a imagem:

doc classificar e-mails por mês 5

Note: Para agrupar todos os e-mails por mês nesta pasta de abertura, clique com o botão direito no cabeçalho da coluna de Mês, e depois selecione o Agrupar por este campo no menu do botão direito. Veja a imagem:

doc classificar e-mails por mês 6

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If you want to automate further, assign a button to the macro.
There are 2 issues with the macro.
1. You have to select all.
2. The months don't sort correctly because there is no leading 0 for single digits.

This amended code addresses those issues.

Sub ListSelectionMonth()
Dim aObj As Object
Dim oProp As Outlook.UserProperty
Dim sMonth

' Select All Items in current folder

On Error Resume Next

For Each aObj In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
Set oMail = aObj

sMonth = Month(oMail.ReceivedTime)
'ADD a leading 0 for single digits
If sMonth < 10 Then sMonth = "0" & sMonth
Set oProp = oMail.UserProperties.Add("Month", olText, True)
oProp.Value = sMonth


End Sub
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I have Outlook 2007 and have try that VBA. First I did have the problem that only 1 E-Mail of all get the month show.
I needed to mark all E-Mails first and then push in VBA F5 to show in all E-Mails the month.

a bad part of that code is that all month (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) get grouped on the wrong position in front of 10, 11, 12
is there any additional VBA sequence what add to the first 9 Month a 0? ergo 01, 02, 03 etc?

as I have several years in some folders it make sense to group those E-Mails first by year and after that by Month.
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Made a restart. Now it works.Sorry for bothering.
Thx again :) <3
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Sorry. Didn't saw that the page is origin in english. #emabarrased
Google translate is getting better. :D
Hello from Hamburg,
great stuff. Thanks for this. :)
Only a small problem.
I had first adapted the code so that it puts the year and month together for me.

Sub ListSelectionYearMonth()
Dim aObj As Object
Dim oProp As Outlook.UserProperty
Dim oMail As Object
Dim sMonth
Dim sYear
Dim sYearMonth

On Error Resume Next

For Each aObj In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
Set oMail = aObj

sMonth = Month(oMail.ReceivedTime)
sYear = Year(oMail.ReceivedTime)

If sMonth < 10 Then
sMonth = 0 & sMonth
sMonth = sMonth
End If

sYearMonth = sYear & "/" & sMonth
Set oProp = oMail.UserProperties.Add("YearMonth", olText, True)
oProp.Value = sYearMonth


End Sub

This worked wonderfully.
Now I noticed in a folder that a grouping first by year and then by month increases the clarity.
I used the original code.
However, the column there remains empty.

Sub ListSelectionMonth()
Dim aObj As Object
Dim oProp As Outlook.UserProperty
Dim oMail As Object
Dim sMonth

On Error Resume Next

For Each aObj In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
Set oMail = aObj

sMonth = Month(oMail.ReceivedTime)

If sMonth < 10 Then
sMonth = 0 & sMonth
sMonth = sMonth
End If

Set oProp = oMail.UserProperties.Add("Month", olText, True)
oProp.Value = sMonth


End Sub

I'm a bit perplexed at the moment.

Glad about any advice


Translated with (free version)
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Hallo aus Hamburg,super Sache. Danke dafür. :)Kleines Problem nur.Ich hatte zuerst den Code so angepasst das er mir Jahr und Monat zusammensetzt.
Sub ListSelectionYearMonth()
Dim aObj As Object
Dim oProp As Outlook.UserProperty
Dim oMail As Object
Dim sMonth
Dim sYear
Dim sYearMonth

On Error Resume Next

For Each aObj In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
Set oMail = aObj

sMonth = Month(oMail.ReceivedTime)
sYear = Year(oMail.ReceivedTime)

If sMonth < 10 Then
sMonth = 0 & sMonth
sMonth = sMonth
End If

sYearMonth = sYear & "/" & sMonth
Set oProp = oMail.UserProperties.Add("JahrMonat", olText, True)
oProp.Value = sYearMonth


End Sub

Hat wunderbar geklappt.Nun ist mir in einem Ordner aufgefallen das eine Gruppierung zuersnach Jahr und dann nach Monat die Übersichtlichkeit noch erhöht.Habe als den ursprünglichen Code genommen.Dort bleibt dann allerdings die Spalte leer.
Sub ListSelectionMonth()
Dim aObj As Object
Dim oProp As Outlook.UserProperty
Dim oMail As Object
Dim sMonth

On Error Resume Next

For Each aObj In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
Set oMail = aObj

sMonth = Month(oMail.ReceivedTime)

If sMonth < 10 Then
sMonth = 0 & sMonth
sMonth = sMonth
End If

Set oProp = oMail.UserProperties.Add("Monat", olText, True)
oProp.Value = sMonth


End Sub

Macht mich grad etwas ratlos.
Freue mich über jeden Rat
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This will also help.
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The code works as in the article. But it does not apply to new letters. Every time you need to go to the created module in the Visual Basik and press F5.
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I used the above vba and let me begin by saying this does help in micro management which is not available by default. this is beneficial for archival and storage and not something supposed to work automatically for incoming email. I was able to modify this a bit and also add a year column. So for all emails I was able to get a month and year so that I can group and then regroup (by year and then by month). What I did find however is there is some kind of limitation to the number of items it goes through and then exists (not sure why). For example if I were to select a folder with 18k-19k emails, it will loop only through some and then at the end of the run it will not update all the emails with the required. However if you run in smaller batches then it runs perfectly fine. The painful part here is to keep on selecting in batches. This is a pain for people like me who wish to manage or rather arrange years or emails that runs in a 6 figures in numbers. Anyone here been able to figure this out out or willing to go on a troubleshooting spree to fix this or how this can be addressed ?
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That is, I want to group mails by subject and put the group with maximum mails on the top. How can I do that?
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I want to :

1. Group mails by subject

2. Sort them by number of e-mails inside the group

How can I do achieve this?
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I want this too
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