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Como enviar e-mail se a data de vencimento foi cumprida no Excel?

Autor: Siluvia Última modificação: 2022-09-23

Conforme mostrado na captura de tela abaixo, se a data de vencimento na coluna C for menor ou igual a 7 dias (por exemplo, a data atual é 2017/9/13), um e-mail será enviado ao destinatário especificado na coluna A e o o conteúdo especificado na coluna B é exibido no corpo do e-mail. Como você poderia fazer para alcançá-lo? Este artigo fornece um código VBA para ajudá-lo a realizar essa tarefa.

Envie um e-mail se a data de vencimento for cumprida com o código VBA

Envie um e-mail se a data de vencimento for cumprida com o código VBA

Faça o seguinte para enviar um lembrete por e-mail caso a data de vencimento tenha sido cumprida no Excel.

1. aperte o outro + F11 simultaneamente para abrir o Microsoft Visual Basic para Aplicações janela.

2. No Microsoft Visual Basic para Aplicações janela, por favor clique inserção > Módulo. Em seguida, copie e cole o código VBA abaixo na janela Módulo.

Código VBA: enviar e-mail se a data de vencimento estiver fechada no Excel

Public Sub CheckAndSendMail()
'Updated by Extendoffice 2018/11/22
    Dim xRgDate As Range
    Dim xRgSend As Range
    Dim xRgText As Range
    Dim xRgDone As Range
    Dim xOutApp As Object
    Dim xMailItem As Object
    Dim xLastRow As Long
    Dim vbCrLf As String
    Dim xMailBody As String
    Dim xRgDateVal As String
    Dim xRgSendVal As String
    Dim xMailSubject As String
    Dim i As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    Set xRgDate = Application.InputBox("Please select the due date column:", "KuTools For Excel", , , , , , 8)
    If xRgDate Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set xRgSend = Application.InputBox("Please select the recipients?email column:", "KuTools For Excel", , , , , , 8)
    If xRgSend Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set xRgText = Application.InputBox("Select the column with reminded content in your email:", "KuTools For Excel", , , , , , 8)
    If xRgText Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    xLastRow = xRgDate.Rows.count
    Set xRgDate = xRgDate(1)
    Set xRgSend = xRgSend(1)
    Set xRgText = xRgText(1)
    Set xOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    For i = 1 To xLastRow
        xRgDateVal = ""
        xRgDateVal = xRgDate.Offset(i - 1).Value
        If xRgDateVal <> "" Then
        If CDate(xRgDateVal) - Date <= 7 And CDate(xRgDateVal) - Date > 0 Then
            xRgSendVal = xRgSend.Offset(i - 1).Value
            xMailSubject = xRgText.Offset(i - 1).Value & " on " & xRgDateVal
            vbCrLf = "<br><br>"
            xMailBody = "<HTML><BODY>"
            xMailBody = xMailBody & "Dear " & xRgSendVal & vbCrLf
            xMailBody = xMailBody & "Text : " & xRgText.Offset(i - 1).Value & vbCrLf
            xMailBody = xMailBody & "</BODY></HTML>"
            Set xMailItem = xOutApp.CreateItem(0)
            With xMailItem
                .Subject = xMailSubject
                .To = xRgSendVal
                .HTMLBody = xMailBody
            End With
            Set xMailItem = Nothing
        End If
    End If
    Set xOutApp = Nothing
End Sub

Notas: A linha Se CDate (xRgDateVal) - Data <= 7 E CDate (xRgDateVal) - Data> 0 Então, no código VBA, significa que a data de vencimento deve ser maior que 1 dia e menor ou igual a 7 dias. Você pode alterá-lo conforme necessário.

3. Pressione que o Tecla F5 para executar o código. Na primeira aparição Kutools for Excel caixa de diálogo, selecione o intervalo da coluna de data de vencimento e clique no botão OK botão. Veja a imagem:

4. Então o segundo Kutools for Excel caixa de diálogo aparece, selecione o intervalo de coluna correspondente que contém os endereços de e-mail dos destinatários e clique no botão OK botão. Veja a imagem:

5. No último Kutools for Excel caixa de diálogo, selecione o conteúdo que deseja exibir no corpo do e-mail e clique no OK botão.

Em seguida, um e-mail será criado automaticamente com o destinatário, assunto e corpo especificados listados se a data de vencimento na coluna C for menor ou igual a 7 dias. Por favor clique no ENVIAR botão para enviar o e-mail.


1. Cada e-mail criado corresponde a uma data de vencimento. Por exemplo, se houver três datas de vencimento que atendam aos critérios, três mensagens de e-mail serão criadas automaticamente.

2. Este código não será acionado se não houver datas que atendam aos critérios.

3. O código VBA só funciona quando você usa o Outlook como seu programa de e-mail.

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Comments (128)
Rated 4.5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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Hi! I followed the procedure on MAC with all the windows apps correctly installed. However the outlook doesn't open even though I changed the dates for test. Should I close and then open outlook and the worksheet to trigger opening outlook with the desired message?

Many thanks!

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Anyone can help me, I have come a long way with this topic, but I am running into 1 problem. In cell J:Y, a formula produces a value for how long the project will last. This changes every day because the deadline is getting closer and closer. Now I want him to automatically send me an email when there are 14 days left. This works if I simply enter 14 here myself, but not if there is a formula in it. Who can help me to automatically recognize that the 14-day period has been reached based on the formula?
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I want to apply this macro to different sheets in my workbook, but each sheet is different. Adding a second module means the first one no longer works.

Could you advise me please?
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Hi Annie,

The code can be applied to different worksheets, not just the current one. After running the code, select the desired worksheet tab and then the cell range.
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Olá, eu trabalho com calibrações de equipamentos controlados pelo inmetro, eu fiz uma planilha com a data de vencimento da calibração de cada equipamento, é possível quando a data estiver chegando próximo ao vencimento tipo uns 30 dias, o excel enviar um email automático para que eu possa lembrar?
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Bonjour , je suis nouveau sur VBA

Comment faire pour quand les dates change ?
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Hi theo charvet,

Sorry I don't quite understand your question. For clarity, please attach a screenshot with your data and desired results.
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Hallo Zusammen,

ich möchte an die generierte Email immer die gleiche Datei anhägen.
Ist das irgendwie machbar? Ich bedanke mich recht herzlich vorab.

Hello all,

I would like to attach always the same file to the generated email.
Is this somehow possible? Thank you very much in advance.
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Hi Sandro,

You need to add the following line above the .Display line in the VBA code.
Please replace the file path with the file path of your own.
.Attachments.Add "D:\Work\Month\Dec\Word.docx"
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Hallo Zusammen,

danke für den Code.

Ich möchte an die generierte Email, immer den gleichen Anhang setzten. Mit meinem primitiven Versuch:

.attachments.add "Pfad\Dateiname" bin ich leider nicht weiter gekommen.

Kann mir hier vielleicht wer helfen? :)
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Hi ,

I was using this and everything goes well but after step 5 I didn't see send button , please help. I need this very urgently.
Rated 4.5 out of 5
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Hi Vani,
Does the new message window pop up? The Send button displays in the message window.
If there is no eligible date, the message will not be created.
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I am trialling and it seems that always need to open and run the module for the email to be created.
How do I automatically run this even if the worksheet is not open?
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Hi Mychel,
Can you describe the problem more clearly? By the way, you can't run a macro if the workbook is not open.
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Can this code be amended where it will send two lines of information to one recipient? Say i have two due dates, rather than sending two emails to the same person, can they be merged into one?

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Suppose there are two tasks are assiged to the same recipient. When the due dates of these two tasks meet the conditions, an email is generated that includes the corresponding information of the tasks in the email body. Please try the following VBA code. Hope I can help.

Public Sub CheckAndSendMail2()
'Updated by Extendoffice 2022/08/23
    Dim xRgDate As Range
    Dim xRgSend As Range
    Dim xRgText As Range
    Dim xRgDone As Range
    Dim xOutApp As Object
    Dim xMailItem As Object
    Dim xLastRow, xJ As Long
    Dim vbCrLf As String
    Dim xMailBody As String
    Dim xRgDateVal As String
    Dim xRgSendVal As String
    Dim xMailSubject As String
    Dim xStrMail, xStrFind As String
    Dim xBol As Boolean
    Dim i As Long
  ' On Error Resume Next
    Set xRgDate = Application.InputBox("Please select the due date column:", "KuTools For Excel", , , , , , 8)
    If xRgDate Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set xRgSend = Application.InputBox("Please select the recipients?email column:", "KuTools For Excel", , , , , , 8)
    If xRgSend Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set xRgText = Application.InputBox("Select the column with reminded content in your email:", "KuTools For Excel", , , , , , 8)
    If xRgText Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    xLastRow = xRgDate.Rows.Count
    Set xRgDate = xRgDate(1)
    Set xRgSend = xRgSend(1)
    Set xRgText = xRgText(1)
  Set xOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    xStrMail = ""
    For i = 1 To xLastRow
        xRgDateVal = ""
        xRgDateVal = xRgDate.Offset(i - 1).Value
        xBol = True
        If xRgDateVal <> "" Then
        If CDate(xRgDateVal) - Date <= 7 And CDate(xRgDateVal) - Date > 0 Then
            xRgSendVal = xRgSend.Offset(i - 1).Value
            xStrFind = xRgSendVal & ";"
            If InStr(xStrMail, xStrFind) > 0 Then
                xBol = False
            End If
            If xBol Then
            xStrMail = xStrMail & xStrFind
            xMailSubject = xRgText.Offset(i - 1).Value & " on " & xRgDateVal
            vbCrLf = "<br><br>"
            xMailBody = "<HTML><BODY>"
            xMailBody = xMailBody & "Dear " & xRgSendVal & vbCrLf
            xMailBody = xMailBody & "Text : " & xRgText.Offset(i - 1).Value & vbCrLf
            For xJ = i + 1 To xLastRow
                If CDate(xRgDate.Offset(xJ - 1).Value) - Date <= 7 And CDate(xRgDate.Offset(xJ - 1).Value) - Date > 0 Then
                    If xRgSendVal = xRgSend.Offset(xJ - 1).Value Then
                        xMailBody = xMailBody & "Text : " & xRgText.Offset(xJ - 1).Value & vbCrLf
                    End If
                End If
            xMailBody = xMailBody & "</BODY></HTML>"
            Set xMailItem = xOutApp.CreateItem(0)
            With xMailItem
                .Subject = xMailSubject
                .To = xRgSendVal
                .HTMLBody = xMailBody
            End With
            Set xMailItem = Nothing
        End If
        End If
    End If
    Set xOutApp = Nothing
End Sub
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