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Como enviar um email pelo Outlook quando a pasta de trabalho é salva no Excel?

Autor: Siluvia Última modificação: 2020-11-20

Este artigo fala sobre o envio de um e-mail pelo Outlook quando uma pasta de trabalho específica é salva no Excel. Faça como mostra o tutorial.

Envie um e-mail pelo Outlook quando a pasta de trabalho for salva com o código VBA

Envie um e-mail pelo Outlook quando a pasta de trabalho for salva com o código VBA

Para enviar um e-mail pelo Outlook quando a pasta de trabalho for salva no Excel, faça o seguinte.

1. Primeiro salve a pasta de trabalho como uma pasta de trabalho habilitada para macros do Excel. Clique Envie o > Salvar como. No Salvar como caixa de diálogo, selecione uma pasta para salvar a pasta de trabalho, nomeie-a na caixa Nome do arquivo, selecione Pasta de trabalho habilitada para macro do Excel do Salvar como tipo lista suspensa e clique no Salvar botão. Veja a imagem:

2. Abra a pasta de trabalho habilitada para macro do Excel que você salvou agora, pressione o botão outro + F11 simultaneamente para abrir o Microsoft Visual Basic para Aplicações janela.

2. No Microsoft Visual Basic para Aplicações janela, por favor clique duas vezes Esta pasta de trabalho na barra esquerda, copie e cole o código VBA abaixo no Esta pasta de trabalho janela de código. Veja a imagem:

Código VBA: enviar e-mail quando a pasta de trabalho for salva

Private Sub Workbook_AfterSave(ByVal Success As Boolean)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20181102
    Dim xOutApp As Object
    Dim xMailItem As Object
    Dim xName As String
    On Error Resume Next
    Set xOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set xMailItem = xOutApp.CreateItem(0)
    xName = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
    With xMailItem
        .To = "Email Address"
        .CC = ""
        .Subject = "The workbook has been saved"
        .Body = "Hi," & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "File is now updated."
        .Attachments.Add xName
    End With
    Set xMailItem = Nothing
    Set xOutApp = Nothing
End Sub

Note: Substitua o Email com o endereço de e-mail do destinatário alinhado .To = "Endereço de e-mail" e altere os campos Cc, Assunto e corpo no código VBA conforme necessário.

3. aperte o outro + Q simultaneamente para fechar o Microsoft Visual Basic para Aplicações janela.

A partir de agora, quando você atualizar a pasta de trabalho e salvá-la, um e-mail será criado automaticamente com a pasta de trabalho atualizada anexada. Por favor clique no ENVIAR botão para enviar o e-mail. Veja a imagem:

Note: O código VBA só funciona quando você usa o Outlook como seu programa de e-mail.

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Comments (17)
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Dear All, can some one help me, I'm a novice in VBA coding, I have made some modification, but how can I do so send email if the workbook is saved, and if user name is different, like if user name of the station is glade2 then send email if the workbook is saved, else do not send.

Thank you so much for your support
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Hi florin,
Didn't get your point. What does your username represent?
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Hi crystal, thank you for your reply, usernane is enviroment usernane, and i have done it, i did use a if function and exit sub.
Thank you so much.
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Hello - How can I include cell data in the email "cc" field?
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Hi Brent,
Supposing you want to include the value in cell a7 in the email "cc" field, please try the below VBA.

Private Sub Workbook_AfterSave(ByVal Success As Boolean)

'Updated by Extendoffice 20200628

Dim xOutApp As Object

Dim xMailItem As Object

Dim xName As String

On Error Resume Next

Set xOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Set xMailItem = xOutApp.CreateItem(0)

xName = ActiveWorkbook.FullName

With xMailItem

.To = "Email Address"

.CC = Range("a7").Value

.Subject = "The workbook has been saved"

.Body = "Hi," & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "File is now updated."

.Attachments.Add xName



End With

Set xMailItem = Nothing

Set xOutApp = Nothing

End Sub
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Hi! Thanks a lot for this guideline :-) I would like to do something more in this code - send an email based on the countries. It means that I have to create commands with if and select. Right? I have already delete the attachment from email. I would like to add the link with path into folder instead. But when macro run, command is not valid :-(
I appreciate each help how to add it there.
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Is there a way to have the automated email be auto encrypted?
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Hi Mike,
Sorry can't help to solve this problem. Thank you for your comment.
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How would this be handled for an Office 365 document. It is automatically saving.
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Hi, nice article! One thing ive been trying to achieve with this is to attach the current state of the workbook to the email.

At the moment, it only sends the original state of the file and doesnt include any changes the user would have made.

Any ideas on how to implement this using a macro?
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Hi Chris,
The code has been updated with the problem solved, please have a try. Thank you for your comment.
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Hi Chris,

I have chanced upon the same issue.
Currently the codes are used in the "beforesave" module.
Which means that the email will send the spreadsheet that is before saved.

There is another module "aftersave".
I applied the code in this module and it worked like a charm.
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Dear all, I would like to ask how to attach functional link to certain folder on server, if I paste the link, it appears in the workbook just like plain text and so it doensn't work in received e-mail, how can I turn it into link, so recepiants can click on it?
I would like to use this way instead sending enclosed excel file.
Thanks for advice
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I put this in the body of the email and it worked for me...
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Hi Robert,
Sorry can’t help with this, welcome to post any question about Excel to our forum: You will get more Excel supports from our professional or other Excel fans.
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Gracias. Consulta: utilizando esta misma rutina, como podría enviar el correo a un correo específico dependiendo el valor de otra celda?
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How to automate the email notification in VBA based on Date range, without having to see the pop up for security permission to allow VBA to send the email.
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