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Como converter fórmula em string de texto no Excel?

Autor: Kelly Última modificação: 2020-04-30

Normalmente, o Microsoft Excel mostrará os resultados calculados quando você inserir fórmulas nas células. No entanto, às vezes você pode precisar mostrar apenas a fórmula na célula, como = CONCATENAR ("000", "- 2"), como você vai lidar com isso? Existem várias maneiras de resolver este problema:

Converta a fórmula em string de texto com o recurso Localizar e Substituir

Converter fórmula em string de texto com a função definida pelo usuário

Converta a fórmula em string de texto ou vice-versa com apenas um clique

Suponha que você tenha um intervalo de fórmulas na coluna C e precise mostrar a coluna com as fórmulas originais, mas não seus resultados calculados, conforme as seguintes capturas de tela mostradas:

doc-convert-fórmula-texto-1-1 2 doc-convert-fórmula-texto-2-2

Para resolver este trabalho, o Localizar e substituir recurso pode ajudá-lo, faça o seguinte:

1. Selecione as células de resultado calculadas que deseja converter em sequência de texto.

2. Então aperte Ctrl + H chaves juntas para abrir o Localizar e substituir caixa de diálogo, na caixa de diálogo, sob o Substituir guia, digite igual = entre no Encontre o que caixa de texto e digite '= no substituir por caixa de texto, veja a captura de tela:


3. Então clique substituir tudo botão, você pode ver que todos os resultados calculados são substituídos pelas strings de texto da fórmula original, consulte a captura de tela:


O código VBA a seguir também pode ajudá-lo a lidar facilmente com isso.

1. Segure o outro + F11 chaves no Excel, e abre o Janela Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications.

2. Clique inserção > Móduloe cole a macro a seguir no Janela Módulo.

Function ShowF(Rng As Range)
ShowF = Rng.Formula
End Function

3. Em uma célula em branco, como a célula D2, insira uma fórmula = MostrarF (C2).


4. Em seguida, clique na Célula D2 e ​​arraste a alça de preenchimento para o alcance que você precisa.


Se você tem Kutools for Excel, Com o seu Converter fórmula em texto função, você pode alterar várias fórmulas para strings de texto com apenas um clique.

Kutools for Excel : com mais de 300 suplementos úteis do Excel, grátis para testar sem limitação em 30 dias. 

Depois de instalar Kutools for Excel, por favor, faça o seguinte:

1. Selecione as fórmulas que você deseja converter.

2. Clique Kutools > Conteúdo > Converter fórmula em texto, e suas fórmulas selecionadas foram convertidas em strings de texto de uma vez, veja a captura de tela:

Dicas: Se você deseja converter as strings de texto da fórmula de volta aos resultados calculados, basta aplicar o utilitário Converter Texto em Fórmula, conforme mostrado a seguir:

Se você quiser saber mais sobre este recurso, visite Converter fórmula em texto.

Baixe e teste grátis Kutools para Excel agora!

Kutools for Excel: com mais de 300 suplementos úteis do Excel, grátis para testar sem limitação em 30 dias. Baixe e teste grátis agora!

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How do I convert the non matched value retrieved from vlookup into text??
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The find and replace facility is extremely useful, I didn't expect it to work when showing formulae instead of result. Thanks
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[quote name="Jennifer"]Hi, is there a short cut method to concatenate 230 cells in excel to and text string, or do I have to add each cell to the concatenate formula with at divider? Thanks so much! Converting the range of data into Table (Insert>Table) may help you. As and when a row of data is appended to and inserted in to an existing table, formulas and format of number in columns are applied to the new data also. File size may increase in Table mode. The Table may be changed to Range mode later (Table tools>Tools>convert to range to reduce file size if needed. Maintaining data in Table mode has advantages.
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The Visual Basic editor option didn't work for me - kept returning errors about it needing to be the first row?
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Hi, is there a short cut method to concatenate 230 cells in excel to and text string, or do I have to add each cell to the concatenate formula with at divider? Thanks so much!
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Inserting the “concatenation operator” (& or &” “&) among 230 Excel cells can be done in MS Word. This method is good enough if the task is not repetitive and if a Procedure is not available. (1) Arrange all the 230 cell-references (the text of which is to be merged in to one cell) in single column or single row in a Table in the merging order (use Excel worksheet and paste in Word). (2) Select the table and merge cells (Table Tools > Layout > Merge Cells) to get multi-line single-column Table with paragraph mark at the end of each line except last line. (3) Replaces all paragraph marks with commas (Editing > Replace; Find what = ^p and Replace with = ,). (4) Convert table to text to get content of each cell separated by a comma in a single paragraph. (5) Replaces all commas with concatenation-operator or operators, & or &” “& as required (Editing > Replace; Find what = , and Replace with = & or &” “&). (6) Prefix “=” to the paragraph. Required formula is ready in text form. Copy and paste in Excel; it becomes a formula. (7) The same result can be achieved in MS Excel also through Editing > Fill > Justify but with limitations. (a) Width of merged text that can be displayed is equal to the width of cell where Justify is applied. Superfluous text is written in cells below as separate text. (b) Numbers are to be converted to text (Formulas > Text > TEXT(Value, Format_text). I am an Excel user only and I am sorry for my earlier inappropriate suggestion.
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i need to change my text which in column 115 gm to 115. how it is possible. need to change text in to value like 115 in next column.
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Hi, if you use the text to column feature you can do this. highlight the column in question, click on text to column, step through the process. It will ask you what your delimiter is, if there is a space between the quantity and the measurement (115 gm) you can use the space as your delimiter. PS... add a column to the right of your data column just incase it does something wonky on you.
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I need to convert text from value to sort a large data. please help. For Example 115 gm (this is in shown as text) I need only 115 in next column to sort. Please reply help in this regards
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[quote]I need to convert text from value to sort a large data. please help. For Example 115 gm (this is in shown as text) I need only 115 in next column to sort. Please reply help in this regardsBy Ahmed[/quote] 897/5000 Hi, if the numbers inside the text string are in correlative form, try this, in the formula bar type B1 (if the data column is in A1): = MID (A1, MIN (IFERROR (FIND ({0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9}, A1), "")), COUNT (1: $ 98), 1))) And then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter because it is a matrix formula, ie at the beginning and end of the formula will appear {y}. Note that I use the comma (,), but it is likely that you must use the semicolon (;) to create both the array of digits and to separate the arguments of the function. I apologize if there is something wrong with the translation from Spanish, if it gives you an error in case I copy the formula in that language: = EXTRACT (A1, MIN (IF YOU FIND ({0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9}, A1) , FILA ($ 1: $ 98), 1))) Original by Moisés Ortíz (
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I need to copy the results from a column with a formula to another column but I want just the results copied not the formula. In other words, I have a column with addresses. I have created another column and using a formula I have removed the house number and now just see the street name. Now I need to copy those results (street names only) to another column in a different spreadsheet, but when I try to do this it only copies the formula which of course then gives me the #ref error because the starting data isn't available. Any suggestions?
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I am here because I have been trying to resolve a problem with file names. I have some 40 files with identical names except for the year 2 digits. I simply need to construct the file name (eg C:Docs\Research\...\[Year72.xlsx]Test!$B$10 ro retrieve the data out of that particular file cell B10. I can build the file name in the working workbook,and create the address (using Address), but cannot extract the data in that file cell using Indirect, as Indirect does not access closed files, and opening so many files is not an option. Have we got Microsoft or is there a workaround? as this requirement must be common. :
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Assuming your text function is in A1; 1. Create a text string elsewhere which includes the equals sign eg. =CONCATENATE("@=",A1) 2. This will give you @=10+20, which you can now copy (paste values) to wherever you want it. 3. Finally, simply replace the @= with = using Ctrl+H as above. It's three steps, but it avoids VBA and doesn't take long.
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