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Como enviar e-mail do Excel com hiperlink no corpo do e-mail?

Autor: Siluvia Última modificação: 2022-08-29

Você já tentou enviar um email com código VBA no Excel? E como adicionar hiperlinks ao texto do corpo do e-mail ao enviar e-mail? Este artigo ajudará a resolver este problema.

Insira o hiperlink no corpo do e-mail com o código VBA

Insira o hiperlink no corpo do e-mail com o código VBA

O código VBA abaixo pode ajudar a enviar e-mail do Excel e inserir um hiperlink específico no corpo do e-mail. Faça o seguinte.

1. Inicie sua pasta de trabalho, pressione o outro + F11 chaves para abrir o Microsoft Visual Basic para Aplicações janela.

2. No Microsoft Visual Basic para Aplicações janela, clique em inserção > Módulo, e copie o código VBA abaixo para o editor de módulo.

Código VBA: insira o hiperlink no corpo do e-mail

Sub EmailHyperlink()
'updated by Extendoffice 20190815
Dim xOtl As Object
Dim xOtlMail As Object
Dim xStrBody As String
    xStrBody = "Hi there:" & "<br>" _
              & "Please click " & "<a href=" & """>Here</a> to open the page" & "<br>" _
              & "Thank you."
    On Error Resume Next
    Set xOtl = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set xOtlMail = xOtl.CreateItem(olMailItem)
    With xOtlMail
        .To = "Email Address"
        .CC = "Email Address "
        .BCC = " Email Address "
        .Subject = "Subject line"
        .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & xStrBody
    End With
    Set xOtl = Nothing
    Set xOtlMail = Nothing
End Sub


  • Altere o conteúdo do corpo e o hiperlink no xStrBody linha.
  • Substitua o "Email"Na .Para, .CC e.BCC linhas com os endereços de e-mail reais para os quais você enviará o e-mail. Se você não precisa das linhas CC e BCC, apenas remova-as de todo o código ou adicione uma aspa simples antes das linhas, como 'CC = ”Endereço de email”.
  • Substitua o "Assunto linha"Na .Sujeito linha com o assunto do seu email.

3. aperte o F5 chave para executar o código. Em seguida, o e-mail é criado com campos especificados e corpo com hiperlink listado dentro, clique no botão Enviar para enviá-lo.

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Hallo, das läuft soweit sehr gut.
Ich möchte jedoch, das ein Link generiert wird zu der Datei mit dem Dateinamen der aktuell geöffneten Datei. ThisWorkbook.FullName oder so ähnlich.
Wie würde der Code dann aussehen???

Vielen Dank
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Does anyone know how to combine/ add this with a code I am already using to send an email? The one bellow?

Public Sub CheckAndSendMail()
'Updated by Extendoffice 2018/11/22
Dim xRgDate As Range
Dim xRgSend As Range
Dim xRgText As Range
Dim xRgDone As Range
Dim xOutApp As Object
Dim xMailItem As Object
Dim xLastRow As Long
Dim vbCrLf As String
Dim xMailBody As String
Dim xRgDateVal As String
Dim xRgSendVal As String
Dim xMailSubject As String
Dim i As Long
On Error Resume Next
Set xRgDate = Application.InputBox("Please select the due date column:", "KuTools For Excel", , , , , , 8)
If xRgDate Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Set xRgSend = Application.InputBox("Please select the recipients?email column:", "KuTools For Excel", , , , , , 8)
If xRgSend Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Set xRgText = Application.InputBox("Select the column with reminded content in your email:", "KuTools For Excel", , , , , , 8)
If xRgText Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
xLastRow = xRgDate.Rows.count
Set xRgDate = xRgDate(1)
Set xRgSend = xRgSend(1)
Set xRgText = xRgText(1)
Set xOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
For i = 1 To xLastRow
xRgDateVal = ""
xRgDateVal = xRgDate.Offset(i - 1).Value
If xRgDateVal <> "" Then
If CDate(xRgDateVal) - Date <= 7 And CDate(xRgDateVal) - Date > 0 Then
xRgSendVal = xRgSend.Offset(i - 1).Value
xMailSubject = xRgText.Offset(i - 1).Value & " on " & xRgDateVal
vbCrLf = "<br><br>"
xMailBody = "<HTML><BODY>"
xMailBody = xMailBody & "Dear " & xRgSendVal & vbCrLf
xMailBody = xMailBody & "Text : " & xRgText.Offset(i - 1).Value & vbCrLf
xMailBody = xMailBody & "</BODY></HTML>"
Set xMailItem = xOutApp.CreateItem(0)
With xMailItem
.Subject = xMailSubject
.To = xRgSendVal
.HTMLBody = xMailBody
End With
Set xMailItem = Nothing
End If
End If
Set xOutApp = Nothing
End Sub
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Hi Crystal, no problem, thank you anyway.
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wie würde der Code aussehen, wenn im Email-Text genau der Link zu der Datei stehen soll, aus der heraus die Email generiert wurde? Nach dem Motto: "Gehe zu Datei xxx (als Link) und trage dort etwas ein.

Vielen Dank und schöne Grüße
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Hi Florian Mußler,
Please change the following lines
 xStrBody = "Hi there:" & "<br>" _
              & "Please click " & "<a href="/ & """>Here</a> to open the page" & "<br>" _
              & "Thank you."

 xStrBody = "Hi there:" & "<br>" _
              & "Go to the file " & "<a href="/ & "I:\Work\Crystal\2023\Sales Report.xlsx"">Sales Report</a> and enter the content there" & "<br>" _
              & "Thank you."

where "I:\Work\Crystal\2023\Sales Report.xlsx" is the path of the file.
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Thank you for your help. This already works great. Do you know how to write the code, if I have to extract the file address out of a cell?
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Hi crystal,

thank you very much for your reply. This is what I came up with at first. The thing is, that the file we are talking about is based on a template. That means, that the file name is changed to an individual file name, that is always different. So the file name (link) in the code should be a variable, always leading to this exacte file (in which the code is running).

I hope I could describe this correctly, so you understand.

Thank you.
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Hi Florian,

I understand what you mean now. But I'm sorry I don't know how to create a hyperlink to a workbook that contains a variable name.
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Merci pour cette procédure.
Comment puis-je remplacer le lien (qui est fixe) par un lien variable ?
Dim xStrBody As String
Dim Lien As String
Lien = ""

xStrBody = "Hi there:" & "<br>" _
& "Please click " & "<a href="/ & """>Here</a> to open the page" & "<br>" _
& "Thank you."
Donc, remplacer "" par la variable "Lien"

Un tout grand merci pour le retour,
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Hi Christian,

Sorry I don't quite understand what you mean. For clarity, please attach a sample file or a screenshot with your data and desired results.
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my link isn't clickable and I'm not sure why.

"Please Print <a href="/"http://codes" & Range("JobNumber") & "&ReportId=1"">" & "PhoneCodes</a>"

The link appears but I have to right-click on the email for it to open up. Any suggestions? Also, I don't really know much about VBA. This is something new I'm learning on my own.
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Hi Maryanne,
By default, when you composing an email, hyperlinks are opened by clicking with pressing or holding the Ctrl key.
If you want to open a hyperlink with one click only, please turn off this function as follows.
1. In your Outlook, click File > Options.
2. In the Outlook Options dialog box, click Mail in the left pane, and then click the Editor Options button in the Compose Messages section;
3. In the Editor Options dialog box, click Advanced in the left pane, and then uncheck the Use CTRL + Click to follow hyperlink checkbox. See screenshot:
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please i need help it doesnt work when the link have spaces in itfor ex file path MsgBox "C:\Users\Desktop\fs caché\Fusion fichier\TENDERING.xlsm"
xstrbody = "Request for an approval, <br> You can access to the file from " & "<a href= " & link & ">here</a>"
the link will be in this case : C:\Users\Desktop\fsany idea?
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You can use: xstrbody = "Request for an approval, <br> You can access to the file from " & "<a href="/"" & link & """> here</a >"
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this code is great, but how to send the current excel sheet in the email?
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you use "xStrBody" part in your existing code, other search Excel to outlook email code online and use "xStrBody" this part.
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you can use "xStrBody" part in other email code, which you are using now. otherwise search "excel to outlook email code".
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