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Como extrair string entre dois caracteres diferentes no Excel?

Autor: Sol Última modificação: 2022-03-07

Se você tem uma lista de string no Excel da qual precisa extrair parte da string entre dois caracteres da imagem abaixo mostrada, como lidar com isso o mais rápido possível? Aqui, apresento alguns métodos para resolver esse trabalho.

Extraia a string parcial entre dois caracteres diferentes com fórmulas

Extraia parte da string entre dois mesmos caracteres com fórmulas

Extraia uma string parcial entre dois caracteres com o Kutools para Excelboa ideia 3

Extraia a string parcial entre dois caracteres diferentes com fórmulas

Para extrair parte da string entre dois caracteres diferentes, você pode fazer o seguinte:

Selecione uma célula na qual você colocará o resultado, digite esta fórmula =MID(LEFT(A1,FIND(">",A1)-1),FIND("<",A1)+1,LEN(A1))e pressione Enter chave.
doc extrair string entre dois caracteres 1

Note: A1 é a célula de texto, > e < são os dois caracteres entre os quais você deseja extrair a string.

Extraia parte da string entre dois mesmos caracteres com fórmulas

Se você deseja extrair parte da string entre dois mesmos caracteres, pode fazer o seguinte:

Selecione uma célula na qual você colocará o resultado, digite esta fórmula =SUBSTITUTE(MID(SUBSTITUTE("/" & A3&REPT(" ",6),"/",REPT(",",255)),2*255,255),",","")e pressione Enter chave.
doc extrair string entre dois caracteres 2

Observação: A3 é a célula de texto, / é o caractere que você deseja extrair.

Extraia uma string parcial entre dois caracteres com o Kutools para Excel

Se você tem Kutools for Excel, você também pode extrair parte da string entre dois textos.

Kutools for Excel, com mais de 300 funções úteis, tornam seus trabalhos mais fáceis. 

Depois de instalar Kutools para Excel, faça o seguinte:(Baixe gratuitamente o Kutools para Excel agora!)

1. Selecione uma célula que colocará a string extraída e clique em Kutools > Fórmula > Fórmula Helper.
doc extrair string entre dois caracteres 3

2. No Fórmula Helper diálogo, .check filtros caixa de seleção e digite "ex" na caixa de texto, todas as fórmulas sobre a extração serão listadas em Escolha uma fórmula seção, escolha Extraia strings entre o texto especificado, então vá para a direita Entrada de argumentos seção, selecione a célula da qual deseja extrair a substring para Célulae digite os dois textos entre os quais deseja extrair.
doc kutools extrai string entre dois textos 2

3. Clique Ok, então a substring entre dois textos que você especificou foi extraída, arraste a alça de preenchimento para baixo para extrair a subtring de cada célula abaixo.
doc kutools extrai string entre dois textos 3

doc kutools extrai string entre dois textos 4

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je souhaite extraire de ce texte (USD) 934.915765 (30-11-2022) le numero 934.915765, ce que je souhaite c'est faire un extrait de tout ce qui est entre (USD) et (30-11-2022)
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Hi, please try this formula:
=LEFT((MID(I1,FIND(" ",I1)+1,256)),FIND(" ",(MID(I1,FIND(" ",I1)+1,256)),1)-1)
I1 is the cell that you want to extract number.
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Hi, try this formula please:

If there is no match string, it returns #VALUE! error.
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Hello, can you please help me with extracting a code from a cell? The code is always 11 characters long and it can start with either CC, CP, CV, CO, CG or CD. If it helps, it also ends with a number always. The code does not have a fixed position, it can be in the beginning, middle or end.
I tried this formula =MID(A2,FIND("CP",A2),11) but, as you see, it only finds the ones starting with CP.

An example of what the cell might contain is:
Text text CG1234dh201 text 123 text

Thank you!
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Hi, I have an issue which i am struggling to solve. So I have a number of answers and i want to separate into separate cells.

i.e. A: XYZ|B*: SDR|C: AQS|

I can separate but my issue is there loads of line with the asterisk moving to the correct answer for each question. How do i get my head around this?

I am currently using the below formula

=MID(A5,SEARCH("A:",cell ref)+2,SEARCH("|",A5)-SEARCH(":",cell ref)-1)
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Hi, Mohannmed Faisal, from my understanding, your question is to extract XYZ, SDR and AQS separately into three cells. If so, please use formulas below separately:
A7 is the cell that you use to extract.
Hope it help you.
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J'ai un texte AAMMJJ que je souhaite transformer en JJMMAAAA
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Hi, GG, try this formula =TEXTE(date; "jj/mm/aaaa")
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Hi How to get specific value from description like
Desc: Date: 2022-07-22 23:59:51 Node: VA10TWPSQL026 Type: TSM SM_SERVER_EVENT 2579 Resource: 1700 Message Key: TSM_VA10TWPSQL026

I want to get node value as VA10TWPSQL026
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Hi, Sandhya, if the node value always has a fixed length (14-chars), you can try this formula: =MID(A1,SEARCH("Node",A1)+5,14) hope it do a favor for you.
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Me encantan tus foros.

Me podrias ayudar con esto?

Tengo una serie de columnas asi:

U CALIPER R/H/R 1J0615424H Es
N DOOR WINDOW SWITCH R/H/F 8E0959851D5PR Ebbett Audi
N TAILIGHT L/H - LENS & BODY - ON QTR - W/XENON H/LAMP 63217217311 Coombes Johnson European Ltd
U*GUARD R/H/F - REPLACE RET NUT ALSO 5G0821106A (V) Private Purchase

Lo que necesito extraer es el numero de parte de cada celda pero siempre esta en una posicion diferente, por ejemplo de la primer celda necesito solo 1J0615424H, de la segunda necesito extraer 8E0959851D5PR, de la tercera 63217217311 y de la ultima 5G0821106A

Muchas gracias

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Ik moet een stuk tekst extraheren uit een cel, maar kom er niet aan uit.

51420647 Ondersteuner Kringdirectie (Unfilled)
P_00040501 Productmanager Wendbare Pool Bedrijven (Unfilled)

De tekst die ik nodig heb ik is het middelste deel tussen de cijfers en (unfilled).
Welke formuler kan ik hiervoor gebruiken?
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HelloI have an issue where I am trying to extract a number from a set of text and numbers in excel. This is an excerpt from the data I have:AUS23-7W
I need to be able to extract just the number to the right of the dash. For example, I need Japan320-15W to return just the 15 in its own column. Is there a formula you could provide me with that can accomplish this? Many thanks!

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Hello, Duggled, to solve your job, just need two steps. Firstly, select the text strings, and apply Text to Columns under Data tab, choose Delimited > Other, and type - into the textbox beside Other option, click Finish. In this step, your data has been split into two columns by deliliter -. Secondly, use the formula  =SUMPRODUCT(MID(0&B1, LARGE(INDEX(ISNUMBER(--MID(B1, ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(B1))), 1)) * ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(B1))), 0), ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(B1))))+1, 1) * 10^ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(B1)))/10)(A1 is the cell that you want to extract the number from, here you change it to your second column cell)then the numbers after - have been extracted. Or in the second step, you can apply VBA, or our handy tool, for more details, please visit:
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This formula works well for pretty much everything except these data :MEX114-2M
Is there any way you could revise that formula to include these? Thank you so much!
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Hi! Sorry if I reposted this and thank you so much for the formula.
But I'm not sure how to do this, I have this in a cell:

random comment;24/nov/21 2:34 PM;random ID;3240

and I need to get in separate cells the date without the hour, like 24/nov/21 . And, in another cell, the last numer; in this case 3240 (The format is alway the same, and the date is always 9 characters long, the only thing that might change is the last number, as is the number of seconds it took to do something)

How should I do it?
Thank you!! 
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Hi, to extract date, please use formula =MID(A1,16,9), A1 is the cell that the original data places, to extract ID number, please use formula =MID(A1,44,10),, for more details, you can refer to this articel
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