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Como imprimir todas as opções em uma lista suspensa no Excel?

Autor: Siluvia Última modificação: 2020-07-08

Você já tentou imprimir todas as opções em uma lista suspensa em uma planilha do Excel? Este artigo fala sobre como imprimir todas as opções em uma lista suspensa em uma impressão separada no Excel.

Imprima todas as opções em uma lista suspensa com o código VBA

Imprima todas as opções em uma lista suspensa com o código VBA

O código VBA a seguir pode ajudá-lo a imprimir todas as opções em uma lista suspensa na planilha. Faça o seguinte.

1. aperte o outro + F11 chaves para abrir o Microsoft Visual Basic para Aplicações janela.

2. No Microsoft Visual Basic para Aplicações janela, por favor clique inserção > Módulo. Em seguida, copie o seguinte código VBA para a janela Módulo. Veja a imagem:

Código VBA: Imprimir todas as opções em uma lista suspensa especificada em uma impressão separada

Sub Iterate_Through_data_Validation()
    Dim xRg As Range
    Dim xCell As Range
    Dim xRgVList As Range
    Set xRg = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B8")
    Set xRgVList = Evaluate(xRg.Validation.Formula1)
    For Each xCell In xRgVList
        xRg = xCell.Value
End Sub

Note: No código, Folha1 é o nome da planilha que contém a lista suspensa que você deseja imprimir. E B8 é a célula que contém a lista suspensa. Substitua-os pelos necessários.

3. aperte o F5 chave para executar o código.

Em seguida, todas as opções na lista suspensa especificada em uma determinada planilha são impressas separadamente.

Imprima facilmente páginas especificadas na planilha atual no Excel:

Com o Imprimir páginas específicas utilidade de Kutools for Excel, você pode facilmente imprimir páginas especificadas na planilha atual, como imprimir todos páginas ímpares, todos até mesmo páginas, imprimir apenas pagina atual, bem como imprimir o intervalo de páginas personalizado conforme a captura de tela mostrada abaixo.
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Comments (15)
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I am using the code above which is work great.  Now I need to get it to use the cell reference as the file name when it saves.  How do I do that?
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kalo ingin mencetak sebagian data di drop list, gimana caranya mas ?
terima kasih
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Thanks i used the first option it s amazing but i need to add to it that if there is a blank cell it should not print that option
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Hello MichHave you found the VBA code for print all options in drop down list excluding the empty cell so as you can help is too.
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Hi,The following VBA code helps to print all options in a specific drop-down list excluding the empty items. Hope I can help.<div data-tag="code">Sub Iterate_Through_data_Validation_NULL()
'Updated by Extendoffice 20211231
On Error Resume Next
Dim xRg As Range
Dim xCell As Range
Dim xRgVList As Range
Dim xNum, xF As Integer
xNum = 2
Set xRg = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B17")
Set xRgVList = Evaluate(xRg.Validation.Formula1)
xF = 1
For Each xCell In xRgVList
xRg = xCell.Value
If Trim(xCell.Value) = "" Then
End If
End Sub
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Thanks i used the first option it s amazing but i need to add to it that if there is a blank cell it should not print that option
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The following VBA code helps to print all options in a specific drop-down list excluding the empty items. Hope I can help.
<div data-tag="code">Sub Iterate_Through_data_Validation_NULL()
'Updated by Extendoffice 20211231
On Error Resume Next
Dim xRg As Range
Dim xCell As Range
Dim xRgVList As Range
Dim xNum, xF As Integer
xNum = 2
Set xRg = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B17")
Set xRgVList = Evaluate(xRg.Validation.Formula1)
xF = 1
For Each xCell In xRgVList
xRg = xCell.Value
If Trim(xCell.Value) = "" Then
End If
End Sub
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Hi is there a way to be able to preview first all the possible printouts in my drop-down list before it actually prints?
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Hi Zack,The following VBA code helps to have a print preview before printing. After running the code, the print preview of a drop-down item pops up, you need to manually close the print preview to get the option to print out. <div data-tag="code">Sub Iterate_Through_data_Validation_NULL()
'Updated by Extendoffice 20211231
On Error Resume Next
Dim xRg As Range
Dim xCell As Range
Dim xRgVList As Range
Dim xNum, xF As Integer
xNum = 2
Set xRg = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B17")
Set xRgVList = Evaluate(xRg.Validation.Formula1)
xF = 1
For Each xCell In xRgVList
xRg = xCell.Value
If Trim(xCell.Value) = "" Then
End If
End Sub
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How can i select a specific droplist, i want to print? , For example if i have 200 names on my droplist and i want to print a specific list, maybe 50 out of 200, How will i do this please?
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Hi,The VBA code below can help you achieve it. Please specify the number of items you want to print in the line "xNum = 10", and the first n options in the drop-down list will be printed out.<div data-tag="code">Sub Iterate_Through_data_Validation_Num1()
'Updated by Extendoffice 20211231
On Error Resume Next
Dim xRg As Range
Dim xCell As Range
Dim xRgVList As Range
Dim xNum, xF As Integer
xNum = 10 'the number of items you want to print
Set xRg = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B17")
Set xRgVList = Evaluate(xRg.Validation.Formula1)
xF = 1
For Each xCell In xRgVList
xRg = xCell.Value
'ActiveSheet.PrintPreview '??
ActiveSheet.PrintOut '??
If xF = xNum Then
Exit For
End If
xF = xF + 1
End Sub
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Thanks for the code. But I'm experiencing a minor issue when printing. When I tried to print the sheet with the drop down list. The first print out, prints the first item on the list while the next print out prints a blank data before it prints the second item from the list. What should I do?
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Hi Cloud,
What version of Excel are you using?
The problem can't be reproduced in my case. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Sorry I totally forgot about this. I'm using Excel 2013.

So it wasn't actually a blank data.

I have this dynamic drop down list in cell R17 which also populates other cells in the worksheet using VLOOKUP Function. What happens during print out is that the odd-positioned items on the list appears on the cell while the even-positioned items seemed not to show up that's why I thought it's printing blank pages.

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Thank you for the post, this has helped me a lot. I was wondering if you had a way to do VBA to print Page 1 based on one drop-down selection and print Page 1 and 2 based on another drop-down selection? Thanks for any help you can provide.
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