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Como extrair todos os registros entre duas datas no Excel?

Autor: Sol Última modificação: 2020-05-26

Aqui está um intervalo de dados no Excel e, neste caso, eu quero extrair todos os registros de linhas entre duas datas, conforme a captura de tela mostrada abaixo. Você tem alguma ideia para lidar rapidamente com este trabalho sem procurar dados e extraí-los um por um manualmente?

doc extrair registro entre as datas 1 seta para a direita doc extrair registro entre as datas 2

Extraia todos os registros entre duas datas por fórmulas

Extraia todos os registros entre duas datas pelo Kutools para Excelboa ideia 3

Extraia todos os registros entre duas datas por fórmulas

Para extrair todos os registros entre duas datas no Excel, você precisa fazer o seguinte:

1. Crie uma nova planilha, Planilha 2, e digite a data de início e a data de término em duas células, por exemplo, A1 e B1. Veja a imagem:
doc extrair registro entre as datas 3

2. Em C1 na Folha2, digite esta fórmula, =SUMPRODUCT((Sheet1!$A$2:$A$22>=A2)*(Sheet1!$A$2:$A$22<=B2)), pressione Entrar chave para contar o número total de linhas correspondentes. Veja a imagem:
doc extrair registro entre as datas 4

Observação: na fórmula, Planilha1 é a planilha que contém os dados originais dos quais você deseja extrair, $ A $ 2: $ A $ 22 é o intervalo de dados, A2 e B2 são as datas de início e término.

3. Selecione uma célula em branco na qual você colocará os dados extraídos, digite esta fórmula =IF(ROWS(A$5:A5)>$C$2,"",INDEX(Sheet1!A$2:A$22,SMALL(IF((Sheet1!$A$2:$A$22>=$A$2)*(Sheet1!$A$2:$A$22<=$B$2),ROW(Sheet1!A$2:A$22)-ROW(Sheet1!$A$2)+1),ROWS(A$5:A5)))), pressione Shift + Ctrl + Enter e arraste a alça de preenchimento automático sobre colunas e linhas para extrair todos os dados até que células em branco ou valores zero apareçam. Veja a imagem:
doc extrair registro entre as datas 5

4. Remova os zeros e selecione as datas que aparecem como números de 5 dígitos, vá para Início guia, e selecione Encontro curto na lista suspensa Geral para formatá-los na formatação de data. Veja a imagem:
doc extrair registro entre as datas 6

Extraia todos os registros entre duas datas pelo Kutools para Excel

Se quiser realizar esse trabalho com mais facilidade, experimente o recurso Selecionar células específicas do Kutools para Excel.

Kutools for Excel, com mais de 300 funções úteis, tornam seus trabalhos mais fáceis. 

Depois de instalar Kutools para Excel, faça o seguinte:(Baixe gratuitamente o Kutools para Excel agora!)

1. Selecione os dados que deseja extrair e clique em Kutools > Selecionar > Selecione células específicas. Veja a imagem:
doc extrair registro entre as datas 7

2. No Selecione células específicas diálogo, verificar Linha inteira opção e selecione Melhor que e Menor que nas listas suspensas, digite a data de início e a data de término nas caixas de texto, lembre-se de marcar E. Veja a imagem:
doc extrair registro entre as datas 8

3. Clique Ok > OK. E as linhas correspondentes às datas foram selecionadas. pressione Ctrl + C para copiar as linhas, selecione uma célula em branco e pressione Ctrl + V para colá-lo, veja a captura de tela:
doc extrair registro entre as datas 9

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Comments (19)
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Hi, this formula worked ok, except it only returned one data set for each date in the range. Is there an adjustment to allow for multiple entries with the dame date value?
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This formula works awesome thanks, I need some extra help though. I have 200 employees, each with certification that expires on different dates. The heading for each certification is at the top with their expiry dates below. I want to extract the rows that with all info if there is an expiry reached and throw them into a new sheet. Exactly like the example above just dated from multiple columns.
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Hi, Christiaan82, could you upload the a screenshot about you workhsheet, or give me more details about the information of sheet format, only with your description, I do not get it clearly.
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All sorted. Instead of trying to retrieve the rows from multiple columns, I added a new hidden sheet where all the info populates the info on top of each other. So the information only needs to be retrieved from one column, as per your example above.
Thank you Sunny
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"drag Auto fill handle over columns and rows to extract all data until blank cells or zero values appear."
This doesn't seem to be working for me. The first row gives me the dates but the same gets repeated in the next two rows.
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Hi, Neha, could you check if your auto calculate is turn on? Click Formulas > Calcuations Options > Automatic.
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it worked well for single sheet. can u pls help me to get the same from multiple sheets of similar data. first 4 sheets contain similar data. i need all records of same 'date' in sheet5.
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Can you extend the formula to check for dates that encompass more than one day? For example, using the same start and end dates from 1/1/15-12/31/16, but the data in sheet 1 have start and end dates too rather than just existing for a singular date.
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This formula worked brilliantly. I was concerned as I have multiple date duplicates and there was no mention of how it handles those; no issues. It returned all relevant data.
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Thanks for your support, you can combined the duplicate dates cells after extracting.
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The trouble I am having because I need to find dates that run through the date range specified. So I want anything that runs through something like 1/2016 to 12/2017, however it needs to include start dates that may be before the range so I can identify the records I need to look at.
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I used this code and it is pulling up dates outside of the window... how do I fix it?
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Which code Kayla? Do you mean the formula?
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I recreated this example in Excel 2010, and the result was that the first row of data would show up, but everything underneath had a number error.
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Same thing happens to me n Excel 2010. Something in the formula doesn't work correctly.
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Have you pressed Shift + Ctrl + Enter keys?
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I see what's wrong. You have to press the shift + CTRL + Enter keys while still in edit mode.
I was hitting those keys after entering the formula and hitting ENTER.
I wish it would have been clearer.
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Yes, brian, after typing the formula and still in edit mode, directly press Shift + Ctrl + Enter keys (the keys instead of Enter key), to get the correct result.
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Still doesnt work for me? I am doing exactly as above and still returning the NUM error? Any other ideas?
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