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Como evitar que conteúdos específicos de células sejam excluídos do Excel?

Autor: Siluvia Última modificação: 2020-07-09

Este artigo fala sobre como evitar que conteúdos específicos de células sejam excluídos do Excel. Você pode conseguir isso com os métodos deste artigo.

Evite que conteúdos específicos de células sejam excluídos protegendo a planilha
Impedir que conteúdos específicos de células sejam excluídos usando o código VBA

Evite que conteúdos específicos de células sejam excluídos protegendo a planilha

Por padrão, todas as células da planilha estão bloqueadas. Se você deseja evitar que conteúdos de células específicos sejam excluídos e tornar outras células editáveis ​​após a proteção, faça o seguinte.

1. Clique na no canto superior esquerdo da planilha para selecionar toda a planilha. Então aperte Ctrl + 1 chaves para abrir o formatar células caixa de diálogo.

2. No popping up formatar células caixa de diálogo, desmarque o Trancado opção sob o pós-colheita guia e, em seguida, clique no botão OK botão. Veja a imagem:

3. Selecione as células cujo conteúdo não deseja excluir e pressione Ctrl + 1 teclas para abrir o formatar células caixa de diálogo novamente, verifique o Trancado opção sob o pós-colheita guia e, em seguida, clique no botão OK botão.

4. Agora clique Avaliações > Folha de proteção, especifique e confirme sua senha em ambos os Folha de proteção e Confirmar palavra-passe caixa de diálogo.

Agora a planilha está protegida. E o conteúdo da célula especificado não será mais excluído.

Impedir que conteúdos específicos de células sejam excluídos usando o código VBA

Além dos dois métodos acima, você pode executar o código VBA para evitar que conteúdos de células específicos sejam excluídos de uma planilha. Faça o seguinte.

1. Abra a planilha que contém o conteúdo da célula que você não deseja excluir, clique com o botão direito do mouse na guia Planilha e clique em Ver código no menu do botão direito.

2. Copie e cole o código VBA abaixo na janela Código do Microsoft Visual Basic para Aplicações janela.

Código VBA: evita que conteúdos específicos de células sejam excluídos do Excel

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Intersect(Target, Range("A1:E7")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    On Error GoTo ExitPoint
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    If Not IsDate(Target(1)) Then
        MsgBox " You can't delete cell contents from this range " _
        , vbCritical, "Kutools for Excel"
    End If
    Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Note: No código, A1: E17 é o intervalo do qual o conteúdo da célula você evitará que seja excluído. Você pode alterar o intervalo de acordo com suas necessidades.

De agora em diante, ao tentar excluir o conteúdo da célula do intervalo A1: E17, você obterá um Kutools for Excel caixa de diálogo conforme a captura de tela abaixo mostrada, clique no OK botão.

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Comments (18)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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This is exactly what I was looking for, but it doesn't work for me...
This says: "End Sub expected"

Can you help me ?

Thanks :)
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This is great. I was wondering if this was an option and sure enough it was. Thank you for the very easy instructions.

Andres S.
Rated 5 out of 5
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No, I meant NOT to allow deletion (without protecting the wks or wkb).

It is nice the above works at Wks level.

If there is something to make it work at wkb level it would be even better (I have many sheets)

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Is it possible to do something similar at workbook level?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(Target, Range("A1:M7000")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
On Error GoTo ExitPoint
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Not IsDate(Target(1)) Then
MsgBox " You can't delete cell contents from this range " _
, vbCritical, "Kutools for Excel"
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
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Hi Gelu,
Do you mean to prevent the range "A1:M7000" from being deleted in all worksheets of the current workbook?
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Thank you for the valuable information.
Regarding the below VBA:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(Target, Range("A1:E7")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
On Error GoTo ExitPoint
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Not IsDate(Target(1)) Then
MsgBox " You can't delete cell contents from this range " _
, vbCritical, "Kutools for Excel"
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

The above will allow execution within a certain specified range. It does not allow the addition of new rows. Is there a way that new rows can be added yet maintaining the same protection.
thanks and regards
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Hi Oussama Abou faraj,
After trying with various methods, I can't seem to get this to work. After adding a new row, the area will be locked Immediately and the newly inserted cell cannot be edited.
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Hello, this code works well, however deleting row/collumn will bypass it. Is there any workaround to this? Cheers, David.
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Hi David,
Which Excel version are you using? I have tried the code, entire rows and columns in the specified range can't be deleted after applying the code.
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"Prevent specific cell contents from being deleted by protecting the worksheet"I did as per your guideline, still cell information could be deleted i.e. protection does not work. Any solution.
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Hi Ahsan,
Did you apply the VBA method?
You need to add the VBA to the worksheet code window. Supposing the cell contents you want to protect are in Sheet9, please right click the sheet tab and select View Code from the context menu, and then directly copy the code into the code window as the below image shown.
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VBA Code - Great Tip thanks

Is there a VBA code to Prevent specific cell contents from being modified AND deleted in Excel?
Usual protecting sheet does not work for me as I lose the ability to sort data?

Thanks in advance - Neil
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If you don't wan to look your sheet or write VBA code, then I use a simple technique that prevents from any override except for when they use the "DELETE" key (backspace won't be allowed, but Delete is hard to stop). What I did is added a data validation with the following settings:

1) Allow --> List

2) uncheck "Ignore blank" and "in-cell dropdown"

3) In the source enter two double quotes (i.e., "")

4) In Error Alert tab, check "Show error alter after invalid data is entered", select "Stop" for style, then enter an error message and description (e.g., Don't override)
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Thanks for sharing.
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Hi there,

I just tried the VBA script and while it works really well in most situations. However it doesn't work when you tab from an editable cell into the non-editable column/cell. The problem arises in that it throws the error message up - as commanded - but it doesn't keep the data that was entered in the original, editable cell which was tabbed from.

Would you have an amendment to the script so that it accepts the data in the editable cell when you tab into un-editable?

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Good day,
I tried as you mentioned in your case, but no error throws. Would you provide a screenshot of your case or tell me your Office version?
Thanks for your comment.
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