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Como somar com base em critérios de coluna e linha no Excel? 

Autor: Xiao Yang Última modificação: 2020-11-18

Eu tenho um intervalo de dados que contém cabeçalhos de linha e coluna, agora, quero obter uma soma das células que atendem aos critérios de cabeçalho de coluna e linha. Por exemplo, para somar as células cujos critérios de coluna são Tom e os critérios de linha são Fev como mostrado a seguir. Neste artigo, vou falar sobre algumas fórmulas úteis para resolvê-lo.

doc soma coluna linha critério 1

Soma as células com base em critérios de coluna e linha com fórmulas

seta azul bolha direita Soma as células com base em critérios de coluna e linha com fórmulas

Aqui, você pode aplicar as seguintes fórmulas para somar as células com base nos critérios de coluna e linha, faça o seguinte:

Insira qualquer uma das fórmulas abaixo em uma célula em branco onde deseja gerar o resultado:



E, em seguida, pressione Shift + Ctrl + Enter juntas para obter o resultado, consulte a captura de tela:

doc soma coluna linha critério 2

Note: Nas fórmulas acima: Tom e Fev são os critérios de coluna e linha baseados em, A2: A7, B1: J1 são os cabeçalhos das colunas e os cabeçalhos das linhas contêm os critérios, B2: J7 é o intervalo de dados que você deseja somar.

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The function =SUM(IF(B1:J1="Feb",IF(A2:A7="Tom",B2:J7))) is a great X & Y summation tool.
I would not have thought this logic out on my own.
In fact i took me a minute to deconstruction the operations.

Thank you
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My data that I am trying to retrieve is in a table. Would this impact the result at all? I have:

=SUM(IF('[Primary Controller Active Project Database (KC notes)1.xlsx]Active Project Tracking'!$B2:$B66=X2,IF('[Primary Controller Active Project Database (KC notes)1.xlsx]Active Project Tracking'!$A1:$AV1=AH10,'[Primary Controller Active Project Database (KC notes)1.xlsx]Active Project Tracking'!$H$2:$AV$66)))

So I think the equivalent would be if you did your information above, but in a table in a different workbook. Thoughts?
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If there were negatives in the matrix and you only wanted to include the positives, what would you do? 
I tried to do something like this:

=SUMPRODUCT((Column = Criteria)* ( Row = Criteria) * (second column = Criteria) * (Matrix) * (Matrix >0))

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Is there a way to do this but instead of writing "Tom" & "Feb" in the formula, you are able to reference the criteria cells e.g.A11 & A12?
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Hello, Rianna,Yest, as you said, you can use the cell references to replace the text in the formula, such as:
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In the above example which formula should I use if I wanted calculate the sum of the amounts earned by Tom Ruby & Nicol in March?
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Hello, Nabar,To get the result you want, please apply the below formula:=SUMPRODUCT(((A2:A7="Tom")+(A2:A7="Nicol")+(A2:A7="Ruby"))*(B1:J1="Mar")*(B2:J7))
Please try, hope it can help you!
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Hello Skyyang,
Thank you for your response. I tried the formula you suggested but I am not getting the right answer. Probably I wasn't able to put my query correctly. Let me try again I have a spreadsheet with data with daily calculation, I have numbered the first row 1,2,3,4.....132. 2nd, 3rd 4th &5th rows has table headings. The first column has line no's numbered 1, 2,3,.....3005 starting from row 6,range B6:EF3005 has data filled in on everyday basis. In second sheet i have a table in which I want to apply a formula which will look up two line numbers fed in two different rows and calculate the sum from the range B6: EF3005 from the data spreadsheet between the two line numbers from a certain column viz sum of values in column 15 between rows (line No's) 50 & 85.
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Is there a way to make this work with wildcard characters? I'd like to use it on everything starting with certain characters, but with (a fixed number of) undefined characters at the end, i.e. =SUM(IF(B1:J1="Fe*",IF(A2:A7="To*",B2:J7)))
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Should anyone have the same question, this is how I solved it (in Google Sheets, not tested in Excel):


Note that the IF function does not support wildcard characters and that for regexmatch the wildcards are different and can be found here:
In this particular instance, I used ^ to indicate that Fe & Tom occur at the beginning of text and . to allow for any following character (* would mean zero or more of the previous character, e.g. Fe* would only look for instances with 1 or more "e"s after F)
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I tried to create a formula to calculate if the D12 is blank, it will calculate from K12 to AH12 but it seems this part ' regexmatch(D12,"")' is not working
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Thank you so much! You made my day!! @TeSageDS
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how would you do this same formula if you wanted to sum both Feb and March together? please help! thanks

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To solve your problem, you just need to apply the below formula, please try it.


Hope it can help you!
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Worth pointing out that of the two formulas provided above you do not need to enter the SUMPRODUCT formula with Ctrl + Shift + Enter. It will work perfectly well without it.
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Awesome, this is the one what i was looking for. thanks for the help
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