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Como ocultar ou reexibir uma determinada forma com base no valor de célula especificado no Excel?

Autor: Siluvia Última modificação: 2020-11-26

Na verdade, uma determinada forma pode ser ocultada ou mostrada com base no valor de uma célula especificada. O método a seguir pode ajudá-lo.

Ocultar ou exibir uma determinada forma com base no valor de célula especificado com código VBA

Ocultar ou exibir uma determinada forma com base no valor de célula especificado com código VBA

Por exemplo, você deseja reexibir uma determinada forma ao inserir o número 1 na célula A1 ou ocultar essa forma se a célula A1 tiver outros valores. Execute o seguinte código VBA para obtê-lo.

1. Clique com o botão direito na guia da folha que contém a forma que você ocultará ou exibirá e clique em Ver código no menu do botão direito.

2. Então o Microsoft Visual Basic para Aplicações janela aparece. Copie e cole o código VBA abaixo no Code janela.

Código VBA: ocultar ou exibir uma determinada forma com base no valor de célula especificado

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Target.Row = 1 And Target.Column = 1 Then _
        Me.Shapes("Oval 6").Visible = (Cells(1, 1).Value = 1)
End Sub

Notas: No código:

1) Linha = 1 e Coluna = 1 indicam a célula específica que está localizada na linha um e na coluna um, Células (1, 1) é a célula A1 correspondente.
2) Valor = 1, o número 1 é o valor específico no qual você deseja mostrar a forma.
3) "Oval 6Ӄ o nome de uma determinada forma.

Você pode alterá-los com base nas suas necessidades.

3. aperte o outro + Q simultaneamente para fechar o Microsoft Visual Basic para Aplicações janela.

A partir de agora, ao inserir o número 1 na célula A1, a forma “Oval 6” é exibida. Mas se você inserir outro valor, como o número 2 na célula A1, a forma “Oval 6” será ocultada imediatamente.

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thank you for making this guide!

I have one question:
If i need a shape to show up based on two or more values, how is this done?
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Hi Kasper Pedersen,

Suppose you want to show up a shape named "Oval 4" when both cells A1 and C8 contain the specified values (1 and 2 respectively), and if either of the cells is cleared (i.e., its value becomes empty), the shape will set to invisible. You can try the following VBA code to get it done.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Range("A1").Value = 1 And Range("C8").Value = 2 Then
        Me.Shapes("Oval 4").Visible = True
    ElseIf Range("A1").Value = "" Or Range("C8").Value = "" Then
        Me.Shapes("Oval 4").Visible = False
    End If
End Sub
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Thanks, but i want the shape not to be visible if the value is diffrent than "1" and "2" as shown in your example. eg. if the value is diffrent from 1 in cell A1 the shape becomes invisible. Is it possible?
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This article doesn't give any hint as to how one gets the name of a shape.

I have checked the name manager and the object manager in VBA as well as the context menu - there is no "Properties" menu for shapes.

So, where is the shape name?
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Hi Cornan,
The shape name will be displayed on the Name box of worksheet when selecting the shape. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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2 questions:

1. I cant seem to get this code to run and i dont understand why... copied and pasted it exactly as it is!!!

2. how do i change it for shapes like Shapes.Range(Array("Rounded Rectangle 1"))
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Hi Gus,
You must miss something in the operation.
Supposing your shape name is "Rounded Rectangle 1", please copy the below code into the worksheet code window (this worksheet should contain the specified shape "Rounded Rectangle 1").
From now on, only typing number 1 into A1 cell can display the shape "Rounded Rectangle 1". If you type in other content, the shape will be hidden.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Row = 1 And Target.Column = 1 Then _
Me.Shapes("Rounded Rectangle 1").Visible = (Cells(1, 1).Value = 1)
End Sub
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You left out the ":"
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I am a newbie in VBA Excel. I am working with this code and I would like to optimize it. This code makes a shape visible on an active cell if value is 1 other values hide it. Range includes J13:AC161. If I will use the code below, it will take me more lines of code. Any help will be much appreciated.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If ActiveSheet.Range("E13").Value = 1 Then
ActiveSheet.Shapes("rt1").Visible = True
ActiveSheet.Shapes("rt1").Visible = False
End If

If ActiveSheet.Range("F13").Value = 1 Then
ActiveSheet.Shapes("rt2").Visible = True
ActiveSheet.Shapes("rt2").Visible = False
End If

If ActiveSheet.Range("G13").Value = 1 Then
ActiveSheet.Shapes("rt3").Visible = True
ActiveSheet.Shapes("rt3").Visible = False
End If

If ActiveSheet.Range("H13").Value = 1 Then
ActiveSheet.Shapes("rt4").Visible = True
ActiveSheet.Shapes("rt4").Visible = False
End If

If ActiveSheet.Range("I13").Value = 1 Then
ActiveSheet.Shapes("rt5").Visible = True
ActiveSheet.Shapes("rt5").Visible = False
End If

If ActiveSheet.Range("J13").Value = 1 Then
ActiveSheet.Shapes("rt6").Visible = True
ActiveSheet.Shapes("rt6").Visible = False
End If

End Sub
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Good day,
Do you mean you want to display or hide lots of specified shapes based on cells in range J13:AC161 with brief code?
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This works great for me as long as the value entered is a number. I need it to work on letters like A B C etc: when i use letters it works backwards enter A and it hides i need it to be visible when i enter a letter any ideas
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You can use letters instead, you just need to add " to either side. E.g. Me.Shapes("Oval 6").Visible = (Cells(1, 1).Value = "A")
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How about if i want to add two values as the input such as : E.g. Me.Shapes("Oval 6").Visible = (Cells(1, 1).Value = "A" Or "B")?
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Me.Shapes("Rounded Rectangle 2").Visible = (Cells(1, 1).Value = "A" Or Cells(1, 1).Value = "B")
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