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Como calcular as horas trabalhadas e menos a hora do almoço no Excel?

Autor: Xiao Yang Última modificação: 2020-11-05

Como funcionários da empresa, precisamos marcar cada dia de trabalho, contar o tempo total trabalhado e menos a hora do almoço de um dia pode ajudar a calcular o salário de acordo com o tempo. Por exemplo, eu tenho o seguinte registro de freqüência diária que contém login, logout e início do almoço, horários de término do almoço em uma planilha, agora, eu quero calcular o total de horas trabalhadas, mas menos o horário do almoço a cada dia. Para terminar este trabalho, posso apresentar algumas fórmulas para você.

doc calcular horas trabalhadas 1

Calcule as horas trabalhadas e menos a hora do almoço com fórmulas

seta azul bolha direita Calcule as horas trabalhadas e menos a hora do almoço com fórmulas

As fórmulas a seguir podem ajudá-lo a calcular o tempo trabalhado por dia com base nos registros de tempo.

1. Insira esta fórmula: =SUM((C2-B2)+(E2-D2))*24 em uma célula em branco ao lado de suas células de registro de tempo, F2, por exemplo, veja a captura de tela:

Note: Na fórmula acima: C2 é a hora de início do almoço, B2 é o log in time, E2 indica o tempo de logout e D2 é a hora de fim do almoço. Você pode alterar as referências de acordo com sua necessidade.

doc calcular horas trabalhadas 2

2. Em seguida, arraste a alça de preenchimento para baixo até as células às quais deseja aplicar esta fórmula e todas as horas totais trabalhadas excluindo a hora do almoço são calculadas de uma vez. Veja a imagem:

doc calcular horas trabalhadas 3

Tips: Se houver registro de login, logout e horário de almoço fixo (como uma hora e trinta minutos), você pode aplicar esta fórmula simples: = D2-B2-C2 para calcular as horas trabalhadas por dia. Veja a imagem:

doc calcular horas trabalhadas 4

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hi, dont know if you'll be able to help me but for my payroll i pay employees by the hours of actual service not by the time they arrive/ leave. i have three categories 1 hr service, 1.5 hr service and 2 hr service. for each category i pay a different amount. i managed to put this data on excell but its counts how many times they completed each service. like 3x the 1 hr and 1x the 1.5 hr on one day or so on. but i also need it to calculate the total hrs they worked. currently it doesnt count the 0.5. any ideas? thanksss!!!
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Pls guide...

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A2 is my start time at 6pm and B2 is my endtime at 4:00 AM it gives me ###### and format gives me a negative number when its a 10 hour shift. How do I resolve this?
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Hello, Wally,
To solve your problem, please apply the following formula:

Please have a try, hope it can help you!
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Hi there,
I have Cell G9 as Start Time (09:00:00) then F9 as Finish Time (18:00:00) and have a formula for working out the time worked (=IF(F9<E9,F9+1,F9)-E9) but would like to add a formula to calculate If time worked is more that 6 hours, to deduct 00:30:00 minutes for a break and calculate the new time.
Please advise what best formula to use for this?
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To solve your problem, please apply the below formula:


B2 is the End time, and A2 is the Start time.
Please try, hope it can help you!
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Добрый день! Подскажите, пожалуйста, у меня есть время прибытия и отбытия, мне нужно ввести формулу сколько на точке пробыл объект и минус 1 час обеда, тоесть если прибыл в 8:00 а отбыл 17:00 итого должно получиться 8 часов
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Hello, Аскар,

To solve your problem, please apply the below formula:=(B2-A2)-1/24
B2 is the End time, and A2 is the Start time.
Please try, hope it can help you!
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Ciao, sto cercano una formula o una macro che mi permetta di calcolare le ore di presenza partendo dalle timbrature ma allineate all'orario di lavoro standard.
Per esempio se ho l'orario di lavoro dalle 8:30 alle 12:15 con pausa pranzo e ripresa alle 13.15 fino alle 17:30 (8 ore di lavoro) ma le timbrature sono ad esempio:
Timbratura di Ingresso ore 8:10 con timbratura uscita pausa alle 12:16. timbratura di ingresso dopo la pausa alle 12:50 timbratura di uscita 17:35.

Sicuramente tu potrai aiutarmi. Grazie in anticipo
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Thanks for the info on this website and for your help!!
I've followed the thread and have made my excelsheet. I use this formula =SUM((C5-B5)+(E5-D5)) to calculate the total working hours per day. I don't get the right info if I use =SUM((C5-B5)+(E5-D5))*24 as has been suggested in this thread. I'm using "Time format' instead of general. Even if I choose general I still get an odd number when I type in 8:00AM start and finish 5:30 PM.

Now I want to have the monthly working hours so I use =SUM(L5:L35), but instead of getting the total hours and minutes I get hours/minutes that aren't correct. For example if the total amount is supposed to be 150 hours and 32minutes I get a whole different number.

Note: I have the format in hh:mm

I hope you could help me out.
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Hi, NG,
I'm sorry for that this formula can't help you, You'd better to upload your Excel file here if you don't mind, so that we can check where the problem is?
Thank you!
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Thanks for the reply. How/where do I upload my file? I don't see an attachment possibility.
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Hello, NG,
If there is no "Upload Attachment" box, you should register first, and then the "Upload Attachment" option will be appeared.
To register, please go to the top of the article, and click Resgister button to start.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
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Začátek pracovní doby i konec se vždy liší, jak prosím automaticky odečíst 30 minut bez zadávání začátku a konce přestávky?

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Very useful! Thanks🤓
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