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 Como encontrar o valor mais alto em uma linha e retornar o cabeçalho da coluna no Excel?

Autor: Xiao Yang Última modificação: 2020-04-24

Neste artigo, falarei sobre como retornar o cabeçalho da coluna do maior valor em uma linha no Excel. Por exemplo, eu tenho o seguinte intervalo de dados, a coluna A é o ano e as colunas B a F são preenchidas com os números dos pedidos de janeiro a maio. E agora, quero obter o nome do mês do maior valor em cada linha.


Encontre o valor mais alto em uma linha e retorne o cabeçalho da coluna com a fórmula

seta azul bolha direita Encontre o valor mais alto em uma linha e retorne o cabeçalho da coluna com a fórmula

Para recuperar o cabeçalho da coluna do maior valor em uma linha, você pode aplicar uma combinação das funções INDEX, MATCH e MAX para obter o resultado. Faça o seguinte:

1. Insira esta fórmula em uma célula em branco de que você precisa: =INDEX($B$1:$F$1,0,MATCH(MAX($B2:$F2),$B2:$F2,0)), e depois pressione Entrar para obter o nome do mês que corresponde ao maior valor em uma linha. Veja a imagem:


2. Em seguida, selecione a célula e arraste a alça de preenchimento até o intervalo em que deseja que esta fórmula, veja a captura de tela:


Note: Na fórmula acima: B1: F1 é a linha de cabeçalhos que você deseja retornar, B2: F2 é o intervalo de dados que contém o maior valor que você deseja encontrar.

Artigo relacionado:

Como encontrar o valor mais alto e retornar o valor da célula adjacente no Excel?

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Can you do this with a MAXIFS function?
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Hello, Ted,
In this case, here can't use the MAXIFS function. In Excel, the MAXIFS function is used to return the largest number in a column based on one or more criteria.
Please click to know more about this MAXIFS fucntion..., it explains this function clearly and detailedly.
Thank you!
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What if there are 2 same highest value, how can i return both column headers, for example the sales for both april and august are 30k, how can i return the name of both april and august
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Hello, To return all the column headers with multiple higest values, you should apply the below User Defined Function.
Function getmax(rngRst As Range, rngVal As Range) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim xNum As Double
Dim xStr As String
xNum = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(rngVal)
For i = 1 To rngVal.Count
If rngVal(i).Value = xNum Then
xStr = xStr & rngRst(i).Value & ","
End If
getmax = Left(xStr, Len(xStr) - 1)
End Function

Please copy the above code into the VBA module, and then use the below formula to get the first result, and then drag the fill handle down to return other column headers.=getmax($B$1:$H$1,B2:H2)

Please try, hope it can help you!
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Hi, I have attendance sheet. First column heading is names and rest columns for dates.
Names columns shows names in rows and dates columns shows p (present) H (weekoff) L (leave)
It's for 23 people.
and at last I have made total presents in a day, then total leaves and then total weekoffs.
"Now I am searching the way where I can click on total present numbers and get list of all names who are present in a particular day."
I tried many ways but no luck.
first columns names, second shows if they were present or leave or on week offs.Is there anyway where I can get list of all names who are present or on leave?Any formula?
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how can i modify this logic to show me all the records in one row where a value in all selected columns are greater than 1
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how can i modify this logic to show all the column header in a single row where the value is > 1?
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Did you figure this out
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yoh you are so late man .  year has passed XD
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Thank for this. It helped. Does it work the same way for a range of cells instead of just a row? I am trying to get the formula to return the column header (month) of the largest and smallest value in a range of cells? This is what I tried =INDEX($B$4:$M$4,0,MATCH(MAX($B5:$M42),$B5:$M42,0)) but it gives a #N/A answer
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What happens if you have duplicate values in a row and you want the latest value's header. Is this possible?
The current formula only returns the first match, but in my case I need to know the latest one
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hi. having same issue. Pls do reply if u have found the way out.
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You're Aces Kid !!! ... this example worked perfect for my application: =INDEX($B$1:$F$1,0,MATCH(MAX($B2:$F2),$B2:$F2,0))

ISA 40:31
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Thank you so much!!!
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Hi, am trying to find lowest value in a row and the highest value on the corresponding column. Is there a formula or shortcut to find this. Please guide
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