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Como exportar comentários do Excel para o Word?

Autor: Xiao Yang Última modificação: 2014-04-12

Para usuários do Excel, inserir comentários nas células é uma tarefa comum; às vezes, você precisa copiar e colar esses comentários em um documento do Word para alguma finalidade. Claro, você pode copiar e colar o comentário no Word um por um, mas esse é um trabalho tedioso e demorado. Existe alguma maneira de exportar todos os comentários do Excel para o Word de uma vez?

Exportar comentários da planilha atual para o Word com código VBA

seta azul bolha direitaExportar comentários da planilha atual para o Word com código VBA

Infelizmente, o Excel não oferece o recurso de copiar e colar todos os comentários no Word de uma vez. No entanto, com o código VBA a seguir, você pode exportar rapidamente todos os comentários da planilha ativa para o documento do Word.

1. Segure o ALT + F11 chaves para abrir o Janela Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications.

2. Clique inserção > Móduloe cole o seguinte código no Janela Módulo.

Código VBA: Exportar comentários da planilha atual para o Word

Sub CopyCommentsToWord()
'Update 20140325
Dim xComment As Comment
Dim wApp As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set wApp = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
  Set wApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
End If
wApp.Visible = True
wApp.Documents.Add DocumentType:=0
For Each xComment In Application.ActiveSheet.Comments
    wApp.Selection.TypeText xComment.Parent.Address & vbTab & xComment.Text
Set wApp = Nothing
End Sub

3. Então aperte F5 para executar este código, e todos os comentários na planilha ativa foram exportados para um novo documento do Word com seu endereço de célula. Veja a imagem:


Artigos relacionados:

Como inserir rapidamente um comentário em várias células no Excel?

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Como alterar todos os formatos de comentários em células no Excel?

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Comments (17)
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This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
This is excellent! however i am struggling to pin the comments to where it belong in the  worksheet. is there any way to be able to label the rows or column or cell in which the comments is extracted?
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Able To Extract starts with the initial measurable data set and generates derived values ​.Users can insert and customize their numbers to professionally index business.
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Hey I figured out how to fix this. Line 13 needs to read "For Each xComment In Application.ActiveSheet.CommentsThreaded". (The output isn't exactly like the screenshot, you would have to add xComment.Author or perhaps some other properties in the For loop - but changing from Comments to CommentsThreaded gets this working again.)
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I copied and pasted exactly but it only generated a blank word document. Any ideas?

Sub CopyCommentsToWord()
'Update 20140325
Dim xComment As Comment
Dim wApp As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set wApp = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Set wApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
End If
wApp.Visible = True
wApp.Documents.Add DocumentType:=0
For Each xComment In Application.ActiveSheet.Comments
wApp.Selection.TypeText xComment.Parent.Address & vbTab & xComment.Text
Set wApp = Nothing
End Sub
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same issue. did you manage to solve?
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Same...any thoughts?
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This is super helpful! Thanks!
Is there a way to pull in the row or column header rather than the cell position (B4)?
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I was able to get this result by changing the "xComment.Parent.Address" to "xComment.Parent.Value" in row 14.
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omg! it was really helpful!
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This is great and helps! Is there a way to get actual text within the cell to replace the cell number or to be included? I have headers and balloon instructions in the headers. I am trying to create a word procedure on filling out the rows with headers of the data (Ex.; "Name") and then the comment box tells the user the format.

Currently Shows with above macro:

A1 Username:

- Enter Name of Borrower as seen on Borrower organizational documents or other name supporting documents.

Looking for it so show the text of cell A1 which is Company Name.

Any help greatly appreciated!
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Can it be done to extract from filtred rows after applying filter ? Thank you.
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it really helped. tq!
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does anyone know if I can do this but only copying comments from a specific row? any help will be much appreciated ive been trying to work on this for ages.
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