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Como executar a mesma macro em várias planilhas ao mesmo tempo no Excel?

Autor: Xiao Yang Última modificação: 2022-08-09

Normalmente, podemos executar uma macro em uma planilha, se houver várias planilhas necessárias para aplicar essa mesma macro, você deve acionar o código uma por uma planilha. Existe alguma outra maneira rápida de executar a mesma macro em várias planilhas de uma vez no Excel?

Execute ou execute a mesma macro em várias planilhas ao mesmo tempo com o código VBA

Execute ou execute a mesma macro em várias planilhas ao mesmo tempo com o código VBA

Para executar uma macro em várias planilhas ao mesmo tempo sem acioná-la uma por uma, você pode aplicar o seguinte código VBA, faça o seguinte:

1. Segure o ALT + F11 chaves para abrir o Microsoft Visual Basic para Aplicações janela.

2. Clique inserção > Móduloe cole a macro a seguir no Módulo Janela.

Código VBA: execute a mesma macro em várias planilhas ao mesmo tempo:

Sub Dosomething()
    Dim xSh As Worksheet
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For Each xSh In Worksheets
        Call RunCode
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub RunCode()
    'your code here
End Sub

Note: No código acima, copie e cole seu próprio código sem o Sub título e End Sub rodapé entre o Sub Runcode () e End Sub scripts. Veja a imagem:

doc executar macro em todas as planilhas 1

3. Em seguida, coloque o cursor na primeira parte da macro e pressione F5 chave para executar o código e seu código de macro será aplicado a uma por uma folha.

Remova todas as macros de várias pastas de trabalho:

Kutools for Excel's Remoção em lote de todas as macros O utilitário pode ajudá-lo a remover todas as macros de várias pastas de trabalho conforme necessário. Baixe e teste gratuitamente o Kutools para Excel agora!

doc executar macro se a célula mudar 3

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Hello, please help me how to apply this macro to multiple sheets, I can't figure it out

Sub KropkaPrzecinek()
Selection.Replace What:=".", Replacement:=".", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
End Sub
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The original macro "How to run the same macro on multiple worksheets at same time in Excel" is fantastic for my purposes, thanks so much. I was wondering if there's a way to get it to return to the first worksheet where I have a control to run the macro. Currently it goes through 25 worksheets doing my code (autofit & Sort by date) and stops once it's done the last worksheet of the 25. Returning to the first sheet would be the icing on the cake! Thanks in advance for thinking about this.
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is there a way to only do it on selected worksheets and not all?
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Hello, karen,
To run the code on selected sheet, please apply the below code:
Step1: Copy anf paste the below code into the Module Window
'Replace this code with your own, but keep the script inside the parentheses
Sub LCase(ws As Worksheet)
Dim Rng As Range
Dim WorkRng As Range
On Error Resume Next
xTitleId = "KutoolsforExcel"
Set WorkRng = Application.Selection
Set WorkRng = Application.InputBox("Range", xTitleId, WorkRng.Address, Type:=8)
For Each Rng In WorkRng
    Rng.Value = VBA.LCase(Rng.Value)
End Sub

Sub RunOnSelectedSheets()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    For Each ws In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
        LCase ws    'change the LCase code name to your own code name
    Next ws
End Sub

Step2: Replace the first section of code above with your own code, but keep the script inside the parentheses. And change the LCase code name to your own code name.

Step3: Then, select the worksheet you want to run this code.
After running the code, your code will be executed on each of the selected sheets.

Please have a try, hope it can help you!
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Terimakasih sebelumnya atas ilmu ilmu yg sudah di share. Saya sudah memakai beberapa VBA anda.

Tapi bolehkan saya meminta tolong untul mencarikan VBA yg tepat untuk mengaktifkan VBA yg sudah ada di sheet tertentu tanpa harus masuk ke sheet tersebut.

Saya sudah menggunakan vBA anda yg berfungsi untuk mengurutkan data secara otomatis.

Tetapi ketika data yg saya terapkan itu berubah karena hasil pencarian data dari sheet yg berbeda. vBA tersebut tidak aktif. Harus terlebih dahulu masuk ke Sheet Tersebut untuk merubah data dengan manual barulah VBa pengurutan dat tersebut aktif.

Bisakah dicarikan VBA nya?
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It works, but the current sheet is always running twice. The rest sheets are perfect and run only once!
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Hello, hou,
May be you can use the below code to your need:
Sub WorksheetLoop()
         Dim Current As Worksheet
         For Each Current In Worksheets

          'Insert your code here.
      End Sub

Note: In the above code, please copy and paste your own code without the Sub heading and End Sub footer.

Please try, hope it can help you!
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Thank you so much! But it's not working. It only runs the current sheet for several times.
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How do you exclude certain sheets and add On Error Resume Next? Thanks in advance
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Before xSh.selectyou have to activate
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The code "Run the same macro on multiple worksheets at same time" works perfectly, Thanks !

However I have this error at "xSh.Select" and I don't know why...there is no issue visible in the sheets... AND I don't have any hidden sheets.

The error is '1004': Method'Select' of object '_Worksheet' failed

Thanks in advance for your help
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For those wiFor those with 1004 runtime error, verify you don´t have any hidden sheets. If you do, unhide them. Then this code snippet works. 1004 runtime error, verify you don´t have any hidden sheets. If you do, unhide them. Then this code snippet works. Greetings.
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Is there a way to make this run only on unhidden sheets? I need this code to run only on visible sheets.
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On Error Resume Next



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1004 runtime error
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