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Como sempre manter um gráfico à vista ao rolar no Excel?

Autor: Sol Última modificação: 2020-07-22

Se houver um gráfico inserido em uma planilha, enquanto você rola a planilha para baixo para ver os dados, o gráfico não pode ser visto ao mesmo tempo que a imagem mostrada abaixo, que deve ser desagradável. Neste artigo, apresento um código VBA para manter um gráfico sempre visível, mesmo ao rolar a planilha para baixo ou para cima.

doc mantenha o gráfico em vista 1
doc seta para baixo
doc mantenha o gráfico em vista 2

Sempre mantenha um gráfico em vista

seta azul bolha direita Sempre mantenha um gráfico em vista

Para manter um gráfico em exibição enquanto rola a folha, você pode aplicar o código VBA abaixo para resolvê-lo.

1. Clique com o botão direito na guia da planilha que deseja manter o gráfico visível e clique em Ver código formar o menu de contexto. Veja a imagem:
doc mantenha o gráfico em vista 3

2. No popping Microsoft Visual Basic para Aplicações janela, cole o código abaixo no script em branco.

VBA: mantenha o gráfico sempre à vista

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim CPos As Double
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    CPos = ActiveWindow.ScrollRow * ActiveCell.RowHeight
    ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 2").Activate
    ActiveSheet.Shapes("Chart 2").Top = CPos
    ActiveWindow.Visible = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

doc mantenha o gráfico em vista 5

3. Salve e feche a caixa de diálogo, então o gráfico será movido para baixo ou para cima conforme você clica em qualquer célula.
doc mantenha o gráfico em vista 6


(1) No código VBA, o Gráfico 2 é o nome do gráfico que você deseja manter em exibição, você pode alterá-lo conforme necessário.

(2) Este VBA nem sempre pode manter um grupo de gráficos em exibição.

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Comments (15)
Rated 4.75 out of 5 · 2 ratings
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A mí me pasa que la siguiente vez que abro el archivo, el script ya no funciona. Tengo que copiarlo, borrarlo, cerrar el archivo tras guardarlo, volver a abrir el archivo y volver a pegar el script en VBA. ¿Alguna solución?
Rated 4.5 out of 5
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Hi, save the workbook as excel macro enable workbook, the vba will be work when open next time.
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I encountered a problem with unselecting the cell and needed two charts, So I made some changes and it seems to work now.
To use it put the right Chart Name.
*Note: This one is for two charts

Private Sub worksheet_selectionchange(ByVal target As Range)
Dim chartposition As Double

chartposition = ActiveWindow.ScrollRow * ActiveCell.RowHeight
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Chart 2").Top = chartposition

ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 3").Top = chartposition + 250

End Sub
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Can any one assist. when i follow theses steps

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim CPos As Double
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
CPos = ActiveWindow.ScrollRow * ActiveCell.RowHeight
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 2").Activate
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Chart 2").Top = CPos
ActiveWindow.Visible = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

i get the following err

Run-Time error '-2147024809 (80070057)':
The item with the specified name was not found

when i debug
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 2").Activate
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Hi, Christo, you need to change the chart name "Chart 2" to your chart really name in the script. You can click at the chart and see its name in the name box. See screenshot:
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yes thanks. after a made the question i realised my chart name was wrong

do you perhaps know how i can make the chart kept in view as i scroll without clicking where it must follow
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can I use Kutools to automatically use that VBA for my charts??
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Sorry, Wangnuli, Kutools has not support this so far.
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Hola muchas gracias por el código, utilizando este código ¿Hay alguna manera de limitar qué tan alto en la hoja se reubicará el gráfico? por ejemplo, no quiero que se coloque encima de la fila 9. Ayuda por favor.
Rated 5 out of 5
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Is there a way to limit how high up on the sheet the chart will relocate to? I don't want it to affix above row 8
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Is there a similar formula that can be built for Google Sheets?
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This macro did exactly what I wanted. However it created another problem that I wondered if you might have a solution to.

While this macro is active I cannot select cells for other purposes such as formatting or merging them. Click and drag, shift nor ctrl work to select a group of cells. I can only select the one cell I clicked on. I frequently want to change formatting (background, fill down a formula, etc.) The only way I have been able to do this is to delete the macro, save, make my formatting changes, paste the macro back in and save.

Is there a simpler way to do this? Perhaps:

1. (preferred) A simple keystroke that would temporarily disable the macro and then re-enable it.

2. Some code added to the macro to allow selection of a group of cells.

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This was good but I wish there was a way that it would just move with the scroll wheel, like heading lines. Also if I want to select a cell it takes two clicks. The first click moves the chart but also selects the chart so I have to click again to select the cell.
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I added "" on the last line of this code and it fixed the double clicking issue. It will automatically select the last active cell, which will be the one you clicked on to move the chart. Hope this helps.
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