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Como bloquear ou proteger as células após a entrada de dados ou entrada no Excel?

Autor: Siluvia Última modificação: 2020-06-04

Suponha que você tenha uma planilha e apenas um determinado intervalo de células em branco precise da entrada de dados e, após terminar de inserir os dados, você precisa que as células sejam bloqueadas automaticamente para evitar alterações novamente. Como você pode fazer para alcançá-lo? Este artigo pode te ajudar.

Bloqueie ou proteja as células após a entrada de dados ou entrada com o código VBA

Bloqueie ou proteja as células após a entrada de dados ou entrada com o código VBA

Por exemplo, o determinado intervalo de células em branco é A1: F8. Faça o seguinte para bloquear essas células após a entrada de dados no Excel.

1. Desbloqueie este intervalo primeiro, selecione as células e clique com o botão direito do mouse, depois escolha formatar células no menu do botão direito e no formatar células caixa de diálogo, desmarcando o Trancado caixa sob o proteção guia e, finalmente, clicando no OK botão. Veja a imagem:

2. Clique Avaliações > Folha de proteção. E especifique uma senha para proteger esta planilha.

3. Clique com o botão direito na guia da folha e selecione Ver código no menu do botão direito. Em seguida, copie e cole o código VBA abaixo na janela Código. Veja a imagem:

Código VBA: bloqueie ou proteja as células após a entrada ou entrada de dados

Dim mRg As Range
Dim mStr As String

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
If Not Intersect(Range("A1:F8"), Target) Is Nothing Then
    Set mRg = Target.Item(1)
    mStr = mRg.Value
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim xRg As Range
    On Error Resume Next
    Set xRg = Intersect(Range("A1:F8"), Target)
    If xRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Target.Worksheet.Unprotect Password:="123"
    If xRg.Value <> mStr Then xRg.Locked = True
    Target.Worksheet.Protect Password:="123" 
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Range("A1:F8"), Target) Is Nothing Then
    Set mRg = Target.Item(1)
     mStr = mRg.Value
End If
End Sub

Note: No código, “A1: F8” é o intervalo de que você precisa para inserir os dados; e “123” é a senha desta planilha protegida. Altere-os conforme necessário.

4. Pressione outro + Q simultaneamente para fechar o Microsoft Visual Basic para Aplicações janela.

Após terminar de inserir os dados nas células do intervalo A1: F8, elas serão bloqueadas automaticamente. E você obterá uma caixa de diálogo de prompt se tentar alterar qualquer conteúdo de célula deste intervalo. Veja a imagem:

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Comments (75)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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Good day, what I want to do is quite similar to the presented code however, the code only caters for individual data entry. My case is that I have a data entry interface but the given code doesn't follow the formulas before the selected cells which is substantial in my situation. Please, help me to resolve this. Thank you so much :D
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I want to lock a particular range after an entry and allow only one entry in that range.
the range already contains a data validation.
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Hi Rakesh Chand,
Assuming the specific range is A1:D7, when you select an entry in any data validation of that range, the worksheet will be protected.
Please apply the following VBA code to get it done.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20220831
    Dim xRg As Range
    Dim Rg As Range
    On Error Resume Next
    Set Rg = Range("A1:D7")
    Set xRg = Intersect(Rg, Target)
    If xRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Rg.Locked = True
        Rg.Worksheet.Protect Password:="123"
End Sub
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доброго времени суток!
Возможно ли с помощью кода сделать следующие?
Есть таблица, к примеру 6 столбцов, в которую последовательно вносят данные в 5 столбов (присутствует режим "выбор из списка данных" и формулы), а в 6-ом выбирается фамилия вносившего. Возможно ли блокировать полностью строку с внесенными данными, только после заполнения последней ячейке в этой строке (6-ой столбец)?
Выше указанный способ блокирует ввод данных в ячейки где есть выбор из списка данных на всём листе.
Если есть такой вариант, буду очень признателен за код.
Заранее Спасибо!
Rated 5 out of 5
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Hi I am having an error with the deletion. Whenever I tried to click the delete the record a pop up will say "Microsoft Excel will permanently delete this sheet. Do you want to continue'.

Here's the code that I am using:

Sub Deletion()

Dim iRow As Long
Dim iSerial As Long

iSerial = Application.InputBox("Please enter Serial No. to delete the record.", "Delete", , , , , , 1)

On Error Resume Next

iRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.IfError _
(Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(iSerial, Sheets("Database").Range("A:A"), 0), 0)

On Error GoTo 0

If iRow = 0 Then

MsgBox "No record found.", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "No Record"
Exit Sub

End If

Sheets("Database").Cells(iRow, 1).EntireRow.Delete Shift:=xlUp

End Sub

Please help me fix it. Thanks!
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Hi guys. I need help and I'm new with VBA.
Say, I have Column BH with dropdown choices for Confirmed, Pending, and Cancelled.
All columns must remain unlocked for editing except for Columns A, BD, BE, and BF which must remain lock all the time.
If "Confirmed" is selected on Column BH, I want to lock the entire row before/next to it. Then, a password must be used if I want to edit the "Confirmed" row.
Can someone help me with this please?
Thanks in advance.

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Good day...
Your tutorial is great!
I ran across a Run-Time error '13': during selection change if I select entire row. What is the turn-around for this? Any insight is much appreciated.
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Hi,Which Excel version are you using?
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Hi, This is all new to me. The formula is great. I want to lock cells D6:D36, H6:H35 & L6:L35 but can't get this to work. any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Hi simon,If you want to lock cells in D6:D36, H6:H35 and L6:L35 separately after finish entering data in each range. Please do as follows.1. Select these three ranges by holding the Ctrl key;2. Do as the post described in step 1 to unlock these three ranges;3. Protect your worksheet with a password (Here my password is 123. This password will be used in the below code);4. Right click the sheet tab and then paste the below VBA code into the Code editor, and then press Alt + Q keys to close the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.Notes: 1) In the code, you can change the ranges and password as you need;2)After pressing Alt + Q keys to close the code window, you need to shift to another worksheet and then go back to current sheet to make the code work. Otherwise, error will be occurred.<div data-tag="code">Dim mRg As Range
'Updated by Extendoffice 20201030
Dim mStr As String
Dim mStrAddress As String
Dim mArr
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
On Error Resume Next
Erase mArr()
mStrAddress = "D6:D36,H6:H35,L6:L35"
mArr = Split(mStrAddress, ",")
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim xI As Integer
For xI = 0 To UBound(mArr)
If Not Intersect(Range(mArr(xI)), Target) Is Nothing Then
Set mRg = Target.Item(1)
mStr = mRg.Value
Exit For
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim xRg As Range
Dim xI As Integer
On Error Resume Next
For xI = 0 To UBound(mArr)
Set xRg = Null
Set xRg = Intersect(Range(mArr(xI)), Target)
If Not (xRg Is Nothing) Then
Target.Worksheet.Unprotect Password:="123"
If xRg.Value <> mStr Then xRg.Locked = True
Target.Worksheet.Protect Password:="123"

End If
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim xI As Integer
On Error Resume Next
For xI = 0 To UBound(mArr)
If Not Intersect(Range(mArr(xI)), Target) Is Nothing Then
Set mRg = Target.Item(1)
mStr = mRg.Value
End If
End Sub
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If Not Intersect(Range("CUSTOMER!"), Target) Is Nothing Then
I got an error. I want to protect the whole sheet
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Good afternoon ... thank you again for this great resource. I do have one question. We have a shared document that is used by multiple users for input purposes. We have noticed that if User A enters data in a given cell, User A cannot edit per the code above (which is exactly what we want) but User B who the document is also shared with can delete the data that User A entered. Is there a revision for the code above that could be included in a shared document that has multiple users that are entering data.
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I want to auto lock cell while i'm saving my worksheet
Can you help me how to do this in vba
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