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Como adicionar todas as bordas às células com atalhos no Excel?

Autor: Kelly Última modificação: 2020-04-26

Como você sabe, por padrão, as bordas não são adicionadas às células no Excel. Às vezes, você pode querer aplicar bordas às células para destacá-las. Aqui irei apresentar alguns atalhos para adicionar ou remover todas as bordas, bem como o comando Bordas para aplicar bordas no Excel.

Adicionar ou remover todas as bordas com atalhos no Excel

Adicione todas as fronteiras externas com atalhos de Ctrl + Shift + &: Selecione as células às quais deseja adicionar todas as bordas externas e pressione o botão Ctrl + Shift + & ao mesmo tempo, agora você verá que as bordas externas são adicionadas às células selecionadas imediatamente.

Adicione todas as bordas com atalho de outro - H - B - A: Selecione o intervalo ao qual deseja adicionar todas as bordas e pressione outro, H, B, A chaves uma por uma. Veja a imagem:
atalhos doc adicionar todas as fronteiras

Remova todas as bordas com atalhos de Ctrl + Shift + _: Selecione o intervalo que deseja limpar todas as fronteiras e pressione o Ctrl + Shift + _ simultaneamente, você verá que todas as bordas foram removidas do intervalo selecionado.

Adicione todas as bordas às células com o comando Bordas no Excel

Além das teclas de atalho, também podemos aplicar o comando Borda para adicionar todas as bordas às células selecionadas facilmente no Excel.

1. Selecione as células às quais deseja adicionar todas as bordas no Excel.

2. Vou ao Início guia e, em seguida, clique no botão Fronteira > Todas as Fronteiras. Veja a captura de tela:
doc todos os atalhos de fronteira 3
Então você verá que todas as bordas são adicionadas às células selecionadas de uma vez.

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Comments (26)
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is it possible to use short cut key of border for all types of borders
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for All cell borders just type Alt+H+B+A key one by one
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Select the range you want to add all borders, and then press Alt, H, B, A keys one by one
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Select the range you want to add all borders, and then press Alt, H, B, A keys one by one
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how to shortcut key all to boarder
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if you are new on Excel then try this Shortcuts ... no One will tell about this .
1 : For Spelling Check ( Just Select the Sentence or Word and Hold ALT Key and press R + S or just press only F7 after Selecting the Text )
2 : For Wrap Text ( Select the Box and Hold ALT and press H +W )
3: To Copy and Paste your Text in to New Excel Sheet ( Hold CTRL +A +C + N+ V ) and you are Done
4: For New Sheet ( Hold CTRL +N )
5: To Find Some Thing In Your Sheet ( Hold CTRL + F or CTRL + H)
6: To Save Your Documents ( Hold CTRL + S or ALT + 1 )
7: To Close Your Current Sheet ( CTRL + W )
8: To Copy ( CTRL + C )
9: To Paste ( CTRL + V )
10: To Cut ( CTRL + X )
11: To Undo ( CTRL + Z )
12: To Copy Upper Cell Dialogue or Sentence ( Just Hold CTRL and Press D (CTRL + D )

I Hope this Little Help will help you , If yeah . then comment me , and tell me your Queries ?
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for All side borders just type Alt+H+B+A = All Side Borders
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Hi Mohammad,
You are right! Pressing Alt – H – B – A keys successively will add all borders to the selection.
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thnxx.. Kellytte..
if u have any types of Queries plzz let me know that..
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Hot key for all boarders ?
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Ctrl + Shift + & is able to add outside borders for the highlighted selection only.
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Short cut key to put borders for all the cells in Excel
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ctrl+sift+&- outline border

ctrl+shift+_- cell border
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[quote]Short cut key to put borders for all the cells in ExcelBy Chaya[/quote] Short cut key to put borders for all the cells in Excel- Shift+Alt+H+B+O
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It should be only Alt+H+B+A
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perfect. thanks.
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thanks you so much bro
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Thanks brother
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Thank you Kishore
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Thank you Kishore
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ty kishore
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Its not working.Even after pressing Alt+H+B+A.Still we need to select All border option.
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It's not Alt+H+B+A - it's alt key navigation.

Hold down Alt.
Press H
Press B
Press A
Let go
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I just did a press of Alt, not hold it down.
Press ALT
Press H
Press B
Press A

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nice. its working
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