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Como definir valores de colagem como colagem padrão ao usar Ctrl + V no Excel?

Autor: Xiao Yang Última modificação: 2020-04-26

Normalmente, no Excel, quando você copia dados de um intervalo ou planilha e cola com Ctrl + V em outro, a formatação também é colada por padrão. Mas, às vezes, você deseja apenas colar como valores sem nenhuma formatação ao colar os dados. Aqui, posso apresentar a você um método fácil de definir os valores de colagem apenas como colagem padrão ao usar Ctrl + V no Excel.

Defina os valores de colagem como colar padrão ao usar Ctrl + V com código VBA

Defina os valores de colagem como colar padrão ao usar Ctrl + V com código VBA

Ao colar os dados apenas como valores, você precisa clicar no pequeno quadrado no canto da sua seleção e escolher a opção Valores todas as vezes após colar os dados. O código VBA a seguir pode ajudá-lo a alterar os valores padrão de colar para colar.

1. Segure o ALT + F11 chaves para abrir o Janela Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications.

2. Clique inserção > Móduloe cole o seguinte código no Módulo Janela.

Código VBA: defina os valores de colagem como colagem padrão ao usar Ctrl + V

Sub PasteasValue()
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End Sub

3. Em seguida, salve e feche o código e pressione Alt + F8 chaves para abrir o Macro caixa de diálogo.

4. No Macro caixa de diálogo, escolha o nome da macro usada PastasValue e clique em Opções botão, veja a captura de tela:


5. Então no Opções de macro caixa de diálogo, sob o Tecla de atalho seção, por favor entre v , veja a captura de tela:


6. E, em seguida, clique em OK para fechar o Opções de macro diálogo e continue fechando o Macro diálogo.

E agora, quando você cola os dados com Ctrl + V, os dados serão colados como valores por padrão.

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Demonstração: Definir valores de colagem como colar padrão ao usar Ctrl + V no Excel

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Saved module - called "module 2" but nothing shows up in macros - no 'PasteasValue'. Seems like a step is missing?
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I want to learn if there is a way to work in a sheet, not in a module.

If not, is there a way to work in particular sheet I determine?
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It is working but after pasting you cannot undo
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Same here.
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Hello, guys,
I am sorry, may be there is no other good way for solving this problem, if you have any other good ideas, please comment here.
Thank you!
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Save as binary .xlsb,
Then you can use ctrl+z with macros.
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what do you mean "save as binary. xlsb"?
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I agree Graham, just tried this in Excel 2016. When I click the Run button in the Macro dialog, I get the error message:

Run-tme error '1004':
PasteSpecial method of Range class failed

which is a shame as this really would have helped me today. I also tried Dejvid's macro below, but nothing happened when pasting from one book to another.
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Make sure you have something selected in copy mode. dont even bother entering his code
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Unless I missed something (and the instructions are *very* good), this does not work in Excel 2016.
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I use Microsoft office Standard 2016, at it works.
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Thank You, Sir...
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nice tip, but the macro should look like this, because the code above give you an error statement, if you push ctrl+v and you didn't previously select something with ctrl+c Sub PasteAsValues() On Error GoTo err_handler: Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues Exit Sub err_handler: End Sub
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The solution from Mikael seems to nice replicate the 2013 solution offered by this page in a 2016-Excel-friendly way. Unfortunately, it also replicates the inability to undo (through Ctrl-Z or other "undo" actions) a paste action while this macro is enabled.
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To get the undo function to work after you have use a macro is quite difficult unfortunately. Can't help you with that, sorry.
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Hi, solution works great but control+z not working after pasting :( . any additional help?
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This coding does not work with the latest version of Excel 2016. Running the script gives an error code for the line Paste:=xlPasteValues
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Try using this code with Excel 2016: Sub Paste_Special() Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False Application.CutCopyMode = False End Sub
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Excellent solution
this code should be written directly into the VBA command box not in module box and I selected its place to be in the workbook so you make sure to END every sub opened, and ignore any message that pops up
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Thanks Mikael, but your code didn't work. Microsoft must have changed the VBA coding language too much in their last update. Even the text "Paste:=" results in a compiling error. If there's an answer out there, it must be in a different generation of Excel VBA.
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The macro i sent is recorded in the latest version of MS Excel 2016, so maybe the problem lies within your installation? Besides that the sub I wrote won't work without the "Selection.PasteSpecial" part.
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I just ran into the same problem.
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