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Como calcular a média das células com base em vários critérios no Excel?

Autor: Xiao Yang Última modificação: 2020-05-19

No Excel, a maioria de nós pode estar familiarizado com as funções CONT.SE e SOMASE, que podem nos ajudar a contar ou somar valores com base em critérios. Mas você já tentou calcular a média dos valores com base em um ou mais critérios no Excel?

Células médias baseadas em um critério com função Averageif

Células médias baseadas em múltiplos critérios com função Averageifs

seta azul bolha direita Células médias baseadas em um critério com função Averageif

Supondo que eu tenha o seguinte intervalo de dados, a coluna A é a lista de produtos e a coluna B são os pedidos, agora, farei a média das células de pedidos em que o produto é KTE.


Insira esta fórmula na célula desejada: =AVERAGEIF(A2:A19,D2,B2:B19), (A2: A19 são os dados que contêm os critérios, B2: B19 refere-se ao intervalo que você deseja calcular e D2 é o critério no qual você deseja calcular a média dos valores com base) e pressione Entrar chave para obter o resultado, consulte a imagem:


seta azul bolha direita Células médias baseadas em múltiplos critérios com função Averageifs

Se você deseja calcular a média com vários critérios, o Averageifs função pode ajudá-lo.

A sintaxe Averageifs da seguinte maneira:

AVERAGEIFS (intervalo_média, intervalo_critérios1, critério1, intervalo_critérios2, critérios2…)

  • Intervalo_média: é o intervalo de células para calcular a média;
  • Intervalo_de_critérios1, intervalo_de_critérios2,… São os intervalos nos quais avaliar os critérios associados;
  • Critérios1, criterio2,… São critérios nos quais você se baseia.

Pegue os dados acima, por exemplo, agora, quero calcular a média do pedido de KTE e do pedido maior que 500. Faça o seguinte:

Insira esta fórmula em uma célula em branco: =AVERAGEIFS(B2:B19,A2:A19,E1,B2:B19,">500")( A2: A19 são os dados que contêm os critérios1, B2: B19 refere-se ao intervalo que você deseja calcular, E1 e > 500 são os critérios 1 e os critérios 2) e pressione Entrar chave para obter o resultado desejado. Veja a imagem:


Observação: Se você tiver mais de dois critérios que deseja, você só precisa adicionar os intervalos de critérios e os critérios que você precisa como este: = AVERAGEIFS (C2: C19, A2: A19, F1, B2: B19, F2, C2: C19, "<500"), (A2: A19 e F1 são o primeiro intervalo de critérios e critérios, B2: B19 e F2 são o segundo intervalo de critérios e critérios, C2: C19 e <500 são o terceiro intervalo de critérios e critérios, C2: C19 refere-se ao intervalo Você deseja calcular a média dos valores), consulte a captura de tela:


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Hi, I'm trying to create an average only if the row meets criteria in other columns. I need to only include the number in column J if that row has a "B" in column F and a "M" in column E. I've worked out the formula if it's only one condition:

=AVERAGEIF(F2:F114, "B", J2:J114)

But I can't work out how to get it to only average numbers in column J that meet both conditions?
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Hello, Sally
To calculate the average based on multiple criteria, you can apply the AVERAGEIFS function, please use the below formula:
=AVERAGEIFS(J2:J114, F2:F114, "B", E2:E114, "M" )

Please have a try, hope it can help you!
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Thanks so much, this worked perfectly!
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What formula would I use if I wanted to get my averages for a month but not count the days that are zero (0)? I am keeping track of my monthly electric usage but need to get an average even before the end of the months. Any ideas or help?
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Hello, TFkidd
To solve your problem, please apply the below formula:
Please try, hope it can help you!
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Hi there
I am trying to calculate percentage of people from across 4 regions (entered in column b)
and percentage by ethnicity (entered in column D)
I can calculate the average age and percentage of ages, but I can't seem to find a formula to calculate the regions and ethnicity. Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks Tracy
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To get an average of data in a column with multiple criteria the following formulae may be used.

Syntax = AVERAGEIFS (Range, Range 1, criteria 1, range 2, criteria 2)

In this case, my requirement is to find the average of the data in a range of numbers, without considering '0 - Zero' & values greater that '3000'.

Total data in the range is 31 nos ,

And the formulae will be

=AVERAGEIFS(G5:G35,G5:G35, "> 3000", G5:G35,"<>0")
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I have 4 variables: 1st: Date of onset, 2nd: Date of termination, 3rd: Date of measurement, 4th: measurement. I want to calculate the average of the 4th variable between each period of onset-termination. How can i do it? I think its a bit tricky. Each date of onset has an counterpart date of termination. The same applies for the 3rd and 4th variable.
How can i make this happen?
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VBA code to average one or more ranges of nonzero numbers:

Option Explicit
Function avgNonZeros(ParamArray rangeList() As Variant) As Variant
'Returns the average for all nonzeros of rangeList.
'rangeList may be one or multiple ranges.
Dim cell As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim totSum As Long
Dim cnt As Long
DoEvents 'allows calculations prior to performing
avgNonZeros = 0 'default return
For i = LBound(rangeList) To UBound(rangeList)
For Each cell In rangeList(i)
If cell <> 0 Then
totSum = totSum + cell
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
Next cell
Next i
If cnt <> 0 Then avgNonZeros = totSum / cnt
End Function
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I have 200 observations. I need to get an average of 21st to 40th observations. I am struggling to set an averageif formula. Any suggestion will be appreciated.
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I have a similar problem like example #3, but the difference is that I need the average between two dates instead of for a single month. Any suggestion?
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Hello, Crist,

To solve your problem, please apply the below formula:
=AVERAGEIFS(C2:C15, A2:A15, F1, B2:B15, ">=" &F2, B2:B15, "<=" &G2, C2:C15, ">300")

Please try, hope it can help you!
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Hi there,

My is Pablo and I would like to ask you about this situation. I have got a column with several values and some of them are zeros. As they are dB measurements this is the array formula I use to get the average: =10*LOG(AVERAGE(10^(C3:C66/10)))

My problem is that I am trying to get with a formula that does not take in account the zeros.

I have tried the next formula but it seems that does not work for my situation: =10*LOG(AVERAGEif(C3:C66,"<>0",[10^(C3:C66/10)]))

It would be very apprecited if you could give me a hint to solve this problem.

Thank you in advance,

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I want to take numbers in multiple columns and combine them into one average. I have three columns to average, I want two of the columns to count for 40% each and the remaining column to count for 20%. Is this possible? Thanks!
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