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Como classificar os números do intervalo de forma exclusiva, sem duplicatas no Excel?

Autor: Siluvia Última modificação: 2020-04-28

No Microsoft Excel, a função de classificação normal fornece a mesma classificação aos números duplicados. Por exemplo, se o número 100 aparecer duas vezes no intervalo selecionado, e o primeiro número 100 receber a classificação 1, o último número 100 também terá a classificação 1 e isso ignorará alguns números. Mas, às vezes, você precisa classificar esses valores exclusivamente conforme as capturas de tela mostradas a seguir. Para obter mais detalhes sobre a classificação exclusiva, siga o tutorial a seguir mostrado passo a passo.

Classifique os números do intervalo exclusivamente em ordem decrescente

Classificar os números do intervalo exclusivamente em ordem crescente

Classifique os números do intervalo exclusivamente em ordem decrescente

Nesta seção, mostraremos como classificar os números do intervalo exclusivamente em ordem decrescente.

Pegue os dados da captura de tela abaixo como exemplo, você pode ver que há vários números duplicados no intervalo A2: A11.

1. Selecione o B2, copie e cole a fórmula =RANK(A2,$A$2:$A$11,0)+COUNTIF($A$2:A2,A2)-1 no Barra de Fórmula, em seguida, pressione o botão Entrar chave. Veja a imagem:

2. Então, o número do ranking é mostrado na célula B2. Selecione a célula B2 e coloque o cursor em seu canto inferior direito, quando uma pequena cruz preta aparecer, arraste-a para baixo até a célula B11. Então, a classificação única é bem-sucedida. Veja a imagem:

Classificar os números do intervalo exclusivamente em ordem crescente

Se você deseja classificar os números do intervalo exclusivamente em ordem crescente, faça o seguinte.

1. Selecione a célula B2, copie e cole a fórmula =RANK(A2,$A$2:$A$11,1)+COUNTIF($A$2:A2,A2)-1 no Barra de Fórmula, em seguida, pressione o botão Entrar chave. Em seguida, o primeiro número de classificação é exibido na célula B2.

2. Selecione a célula B2, arraste a alça de preenchimento para baixo até a célula B11 e a classificação exclusiva será concluída.

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Hi every one, i have this formula

it determines the rank of a value in a column. if there is an equal value, the rank is determined by a 2nd value in another column. Now the problem is when negative numbers occur in the 2nd column, the rank is determined inversely -1 gets a lower rank than 0

can anyone adjust this formula or create a new one for excel 2007 dutch version
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Hi every one, i have this formula

it determines the rank of a value in a column. if there is an equal value, the rank is determined by a 2nd value in another column. Now the problem is when negative numbers occur in the 2nd column, the rank is determined inversely -1 gets a lower rank than 0

can anyone adjust this formula or create a new one for excel 2007 dutch version

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Hey so I just worked on this formula for the past 45 minutes. The above formula is wrong, the output does provide duplicates but that is only because the countif range is not accounting for the entire range.

Above the descending formula is: =RANK(A2,$A$2:$A$11,0)+COUNTIF($A$2:A2,A2)-1

The bold/underlined A2 cell should be equal to the ending of the range which is A11. Which would make correct forumla stance:


For visuals, on my sheet I created a leader tracking board with the following formula and I got no duplicates see below 2 images with duplicate numbers but different ranking levels:

My Descending formula: =round(RANK(D7,$D$7:$BY$7)+countif($D$7:$BY$7,D7)-1)
Key Notes:
- My range is locked
- D7 is the start of my range and BY7 is the end of my range
- I have added the round formula to account for any decimals
- the (-1) will automatically subtract from the previous ranking.
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Hi Zoe,
Thank you for your feedback. I will check the formula and make the changes.
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It's very helpful content. Thank You so much.
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Thank you for the solution! Works perfectly!
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This tip was PERFECT in solving my sorting issue! Thanks very much!!!
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I still have duplicate rankings. Before I used COUNTIF the rankings were 4 for both, now they are both ranked 5 with COUNTIF BUT in my chart, it will only list one of the items twice instead of listing both items. Here is my formula: =RANK(V3,V$3:V$30, 1)+COUNTIF(V$3:V$30:V3,V3)-1
In the ranking chart it displays rank 4 as team 1 and rank 5 as team 1 since team 1 and team 2 have the same rank, team 2 is not listed. Here is the formula for those cells:=INDEX($L$3:$L$30,MATCH(SMALL($V$3:$V$30,Y3),$V$3:$V$30,0))
How do I make sure teams that are tied do not get left off list?

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Formulas for unique ascending and descending are identical. Ascending should be: =RANK(A2,$A$2:$A$11,1)+COUNTIF(A2:$A$2,A2)-1.
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if you see the below ranking, where the duplicate numbers found, number is missing.
After 23 it goes to 25, after 29 it goes to 30, Formula miss the next number like - 24 & 29

Score Rank

4661 21

4650 22

4648 23

4645 25

4645 25

4644 26

4629 27

4626 28

4595 30

4595 30

4578 31

4438 32
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What's the formula for this ranking where it combines same values into one ranking???
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Hi, This formula just ranks all numbers in ascending/descending order and doesn't combine the duplicates into one rank. How do I combine the ranking for duplicates, for example two duplicate 100s to be combined and both ranked as 1, 3 duplicate 90s to be combined and ranked as 2, 2 duplicate 80s ranked as 3, etc.? In your example of total 10 students I want a formula that will rank the two 100s as 1, rank the two 90s as 2, rank the two 80s as 3, etc. Please help. Thanks
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if you do want this kind of ranking, what I would do is copy the whole list somewhere else, then use remove duplicates in the Data menu to leave only the individual values. rank these individual scores using a standard RANK formula and then use a simple VLOOKUP formula to return the value against the score in the full list.

this will show the values the way you want above.
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Why do you need to do this? a standard RANK formula will rank these examples as 1, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5. this is a much more usual way of ranking as if there are 2 first places the next in line would usually logically be 3rd not 2nd.
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