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Como localizar e destacar parágrafos duplicados em um documento do Word?

Autor: Xiao Yang Última modificação: 2018-09-19

Supondo que você tenha um grande documento do Word que pode ter centenas de páginas, agora, você deseja verificar se há parágrafos duplicados e, em seguida, destacá-los para destacá-los, para que possa lidar com as frases duplicadas. Como você poderia localizar e destacar os parágrafos duplicados de forma rápida e fácil em um documento do Word?

Encontre e realce os parágrafos duplicados no documento do Word com o código VBA

Encontre e realce os parágrafos duplicados no documento do Word com o código VBA

Para localizar e destacar os parágrafos duplicados em um documento do Word, o seguinte código VBA pode fazer um favor a você, faça o seguinte:

1. Segure o ALT + F11 chaves para abrir o Microsoft Visual Basic para Aplicações janela.

2. E então, clique inserção > Módulo, copie e cole o código abaixo no módulo em branco aberto:

Código VBA: encontre e destaque os parágrafos duplicados no documento do Word:

Sub highlightdup()
    Dim I, J As Long
    Dim xRngFind, xRng As Range
    Dim xStrFind, xStr As String
    Options.DefaultHighlightColorIndex = wdYellow
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    With ActiveDocument
        For I = 1 To .Paragraphs.Count - 1
            Set xRngFind = .Paragraphs(I).Range
            If xRngFind.HighlightColorIndex <> wdYellow Then
                For J = I + 1 To .Paragraphs.Count
                    Set xRng = .Paragraphs(J).Range
                    If xRngFind.Text = xRng.Text Then
                        xRngFind.HighlightColorIndex = wdBrightGreen
                        xRng.HighlightColorIndex = wdYellow
                    End If
            End If
    End With
End Sub

3. E, em seguida, pressione F5 chave para executar este código, todas as frases duplicadas são destacadas de uma vez, os primeiros parágrafos duplicados exibidos são destacados com cor verde e outras duplicatas são destacadas com cor amarela, veja a captura de tela:

doc realçar frases dup 1

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Comments (15)
Rated 4.5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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Can you help me it is not working can you help!Aja8bo-tfhqb-FVWcGUyvYPv07cX?e=lgJ4i1
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Hi, mình chạy đoạn code trên nhưng không thấy ra kết quả giống bài viết, mình dùng word 2019, Ad support giúp mình nhé 
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Hi, can anyone please suggest me to prepare a macro in ms word for finding error in paragraph.
Like:- "and or" "that that" "of the of the" "Sentence end without dot (.)" "New Sentence start with initial caps without ending the sending".
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Thanks so much.A very valuable article, helped me with my duplicate copies and paste paragraphs!You are awesome.
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Tried this for my book in MS Word. First, it would not work because I had bullet points. I removed them and then it only found 2 instances "blank page" and "table of contents". I purposely have several sentences repeated, and this macro did not find them. Thank you for trying, but I would say this doesn't work.
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I had a very long document to process, the code above would take at least 100 days to finish and blocked everything while working at it. The main culprit is the "Set xRng = .Paragraphs(J).Range" which is very slow. I did an alternative version which ran in just 4 hours and presents a continuous report on the processing status and time to end. (To see the report in real time you have to open the "immediate window" by pressing Ctrl+G in the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.) The code works well, except that it predicts a longer time to end than is actually the case (depends on the document). The code is as follows:

Sub highlightdup()
Dim StartTime, SecondsElapsed As Date
Dim secondsPerComparison As Double
Dim I, J, PC, totalComparisons, comparisonsDone, C, secondsToFinish As Long
Dim xRngFind, xRng As Range
Dim xStrg, minutesToFinish As String
Dim currentParag, nextParag As Paragraph
'Options.DefaultHighlightColorIndex = wdYellow
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveDocument
StartTime = Now()
C = 0
PC = .Paragraphs.Count
totalComparisons = CLng((PC * (PC + 1)) / 2)
Set currentParag = .Paragraphs(1)
For I = 1 To PC - 1
'Debug.Print "processing paragraph " & I & " of a total of " & PC & " " & currentParag.Range.Text
'Debug.Print Len(currentParag) & currentParag
If currentParag.Range.HighlightColorIndex <> wdYellow Then
If currentParag.Range.HighlightColorIndex <> wdBrightGreen Then
Set nextParag = currentParag
For J = I + 1 To PC
Set nextParag = nextParag.Next
If currentParag.Range.Text = nextParag.Range.Text Then
currentParag.Range.HighlightColorIndex = wdBrightGreen
nextParag.Range.HighlightColorIndex = wdYellow
Debug.Print "found one!! " & " I = " & I & " J = " & J & nextParag.Range.Text
End If
End If
End If
comparisonsDone = PC * (I - 1) + (J - I)
SecondsElapsed = DateDiff("s", StartTime, Now())
secondsPerComparison = CLng(SecondsElapsed) / comparisonsDone
secondsToFinish = CLng(secondsPerComparison * (totalComparisons - comparisonsDone))
minutesToFinish = Format(secondsToFinish / 86400, "hh:mm:ss")
elapsedTime = Format(SecondsElapsed / 86400, "hh:mm:ss")
Debug.Print "Finished procesing paragraph " & I & " of " & PC & ". Elapsed time = " & elapsedTime & ". Time to finish = " & minutesToFinish
Set currentParag = currentParag.Next
End With
End Sub
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Hi there! Thank you so much for this code. When I first tried to use it there was a syntax error that kept popping up. But, upon looking at the above code and this code I found a way to make it work and I figured it might help someone else: (Just follow the instructions above but copy and paste this instead) if you're finding yours is having a Syntax error like mine.

PC = .Paragraphs.Count
totalComparisons = CLng((PC * (PC + 1)) / 2)
Set currentParag = .Paragraphs(1)
For I = 1 To PC - 1
'Debug.Print "processing paragraph " & I & " of a total of " & PC & " " & currentParag.Range.Text
'Debug.Print Len(currentParag) & currentParag
If currentParag.Range.HighlightColorIndex <> wdYellow Then
If currentParag.Range.HighlightColorIndex <> wdBrightGreen Then
Set nextParag = currentParag
For J = I + 1 To PC
Set nextParag = nextParag.Next
If currentParag.Range.Text = nextParag.Range.Text Then
currentParag.Range.HighlightColorIndex = wdBrightGreen
nextParag.Range.HighlightColorIndex = wdYellow
Debug.Print "found one!! " & amp; " I = " & amp; I & amp; " J = " & amp; J & amp; nextParag.Range.Text
End If
End If
End If
comparisonsDone = PC * (I - 1) + (J - I)
SecondsElapsed = DateDiff("s", StartTime, Now())
secondsPerComparison = CLng(SecondsElapsed) / comparisonsDone
secondsToFinish = CLng(secondsPerComparison * (totalComparisons - comparisonsDone))
minutesToFinish = Format(secondsToFinish / 86400, "hh:mm:ss")
elapsedTime = Format(SecondsElapsed / 86400, "hh:mm:ss")
Debug.Print "Finished procesing paragraph " & amp; I & amp; " of " & amp; PC & amp; ". Elapsed time = " & amp; elapsedTime & amp; ". Time to finish = " & amp; minutesToFinish
Set currentParag = currentParag.Next
End With
End Sub
Rated 4.5 out of 5
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Thank you, you saved my day already twice. This work like magic.
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thank you very much, it works perfectly and very quickly !

Paul (from France)
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Sir, kindly thank you and please have good winds in your life.
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Thank you for the helping

But how can I find the same sentences in my text?

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Thank you for the helping

But how can I find the same sentences in my text?

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It throws Compile error: Syntax error, the code is 100% as the example.
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I tried, and it works fine!
I just wanted to know - could I do the same thing - but not a whole paragraph, but a sentence with a few words I'd set up - like 10 words?
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