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Como listar todas as propriedades do arquivo Excel em uma planilha?

Autor: Sol Última modificação: 2019-11-26

Neste artigo, apresento um código VBA para listar todas as propriedades da pasta de trabalho ativa em uma planilha.

1. Pressione Alt + F11 para ativar a janela Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications.

2. Clique inserção > Móduloe cole o código abaixo no módulo em branco.

VBA: lista todas as propriedades

Sub WBProperties()
    Dim xWB As Workbook
    Dim xF As Long
    Dim xStr As String
    Dim xWSh As Worksheet
    On Error Resume Next
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    xStr = "Workbook Properties"
    Set xWB = Application.ActiveWorkbook
    Set xWSh = xWB.Worksheets.Item(xStr)
    If Not xWSh Is Nothing Then
    End If
    Set xWSh = xWB.Worksheets.Add
    xWSh.Name = xStr
    xWSh.Range("A1").Value = "Property"
    xWSh.Range("B1").Value = "Value"
    With xWB
        For xF = 1 To .BuiltinDocumentProperties.Count
            xWSh.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = _
            xWSh.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 1).Value = _
        Next xF
    End With
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

lista de documentos todos adicionados 1

3. Pressione F5 chave para executar o código, uma nova planilha chamada Propriedades da pasta de trabalho foi criada na frente da planilha ativa, que lista todas as propriedades da pasta de trabalho ativa.
lista de documentos todos adicionados 1

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First off, I do not know VBA, but have determined after hours of searching, it is the only solution to my problem.

I have a workbook with a large number of Power Query-created "Merge"-type Queries and Queries that pull data from flat files; some, but not all are added to the Data Model/Power Pivot.

The composition of queries may change over time.

Within a subset of the queries, I have disabled refreshing with "Refresh All" to reduce the already lengthy time it takes to refresh all queries.

There are a large number of worksheets that contain Pivots off the Data Model, whereas the others contain a subset of tables that are populated from the queries via "Load To"

I am using O365 Excel

The example code below is based on hours of research. I don't know if it's of value in achieving my objectives below, but I'm including it in the event it sparks a solution.

I would like an "index" worksheet created containing a dynamic table (or just listed out in cells that I can convert to a table manually) that keeps an up-to-date list of workbook "Query-" queries and their respective properties below.

The dynamic (e.g., reflect added/changed/deleted queries) table should contain the following columns with the following query/connection properties as fields:
"Name", "Description", "RefreshWithRefreshAll", "InModel", "Type"

The following example is what I was able to cobble together from the interwebs which got me some of the way there, but it only allows me to see it in the VBA Immediate window, and I don't know how to get it into a table on the worksheet:

Sub ListConnections()

Dim cn As WorkbookConnection

Debug.Print "Name", "|", "Description", "|", "|", "RefreshWithRefreshAll", "|", "InModel", "|", "Type"

For Each cn In ThisWorkbook.Connections
Debug.Print cn.Name, "|", cn.Description, "|", cn.RefreshWithRefreshAll, "|", cn.InModel, "|", cn.Type

End Sub-----------------------------------------------------

Currently, I can only get it to output in the Immediate Window:

Note 1: I used the convention of adding an asterisk to the query name to visually see which queries I disabled refreshing with Refresh All.
Note 2: Query names with (CNX) refer to the base queries to the flat files upon which the other merge queries are based.
Note 3: The "Last Refresh" field in the table would be the Date/Time of the Last Refresh of the query. I was hoping it could be obtained as a property of the query, since this timestamp is shown when hovering over the query in the query pane, e.g.

<br style="letter-spacing: 0.2px;">
Based on my searches, it does not appear that this is obtainable for some reason, but if not, I found other references to adding it as a calculated value using timestamps of macro executed refreshes.

Example: I found many references to adding a button to have a macro refresh one or refresh all queries. My thought is that one could create code to dynamically enumerate the names from the code above Query-[Query Name], then have the code execute a refresh of each (CNX) query above first, then execute the rest individually to capture the execution and/or finish timestamp. Since there is a natural sequence that Excel uses when doing a refresh all, executing queries manually may trigger the natural sequence multiple times making the overall refresh times unbearable. Looking for the most efficient solution here.

Here is some code that I thought would be useful to tackle this, but again, it only shows output in the Immediate Window when executed.
Dim TStart As Date
Dim TEnd As Date
Dim cn As WorkbookConnection

For Each cn In ThisWorkbook.Connections

If Left(cn, 13) = "Power Query -" Then
Debug.Print cn
TStart = Now
TEnd = Now
Debug.Print CStr(DateDiff("s", TStart, TEnd)) + " Seconds"
Debug.Print ""

End If
Next cn
End Sub
Thanks in advance!

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