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  Monday, November 04, 2019
  1 Replies
  15.6K Visits
Good news! Kutools for Excel 21.00 is released here, with dozens of new easy-to-use features and excellent improvements! You can upgrade to or have a free trial of this version by downloading from here. Tip: full function & feature, free trial in 30 days! If the 2-year free upgrade support period is not expired, you are entitled to free upgrade this version. Please just download and install it.

New features
1. Lookup Across Multiple Sheets
Comparing to the VLOOKUP function which can only look for a value from one range, this feature will help Excel users to batch look for multiple values across multiple worksheets at a time easily.

2. Lookup and Sum
This feature will find a row or column in the selection based on the given criteria and return the summation of the found row or column.

3. Lookup from right to left
Different from the VLOOKUP function which can only look for a value in the leftmost column of a range, this feature enables you to look for values in any column of a range, and return values in another column as you need.

4. Lookup from bottom to top
If there are multiple matched values, the VLOOKUP function will search from top to bottom and return the first matched value. But this feature will reverse the lookup order (from bottom to top) and return the last matched value.

5. Lookup between two values
This feature can help to look for a value between two values and return a matched result easily.

6. Replace 0 or #N/A with Blank or a Specified Value
If the lookup value is not found or empty, the VLOOKUP function will return #N/A error value or 0. This feature will return empty or a specified value for those unfound lookup values and empty values.

7. Dynamic Drop-down List
With this feature, you can quickly create a 2 levels dependent drop-down list or a 3-5 levels dependent drop-down list with several clicks only.

8. Colored Drop-down List
With this feature, you can quickly add multiple conditional formatting rules (highlight color) to cells or rows bases on the drop-down list options.

9. Multi-select Drop-down List
Normally you can select one option for one cell in the data validation (drop-down list) range in Excel. But after enabling this feature, you can select multiple options for every cell from the drop-down lists.

10. Drop-down List with Check Boxes
This feature will add a check box before each drop-down list option. After enabling this feature, you can tick the check boxes to select one or multiple options from the drop-down lists quickly.

11. Password Manager
This feature can add and manage passwords, which are used to open password-protected workbooks. After adding passwords in this manager, corresponding workbooks can be opened directly when using Combine Worksheets or other features of Kutools for Excel.


1. PivotTable Special Time Grouping

This feature is optimized and enhanced greatly, and be more user-friendly now:
Add check boxes before grouping criterions, and support to select multiple grouping criterions at a time.
Automatically recognize and select date or time column.

2. Create Speedometer Chart

This feature is improved to create more artistic speedometer chart in Excel.
Support to manually type in max/min/current values directly when creating static speedometer chart.
Decorate the output speedometer chart, and make it more beautiful.

3. Navigation Pane

This feature is enhanced greatly and provides a much smoother user experience.
1) Displaying the Navigation Pane floatingly, and click the pin button can fix the display back.
2) In the Workbook & Sheet Pane, add a toolbar above sheet list to show sheet tools.
3) In the Workbook & Sheet Pane, double click the workbook name to rename it.
4) In the Workbook & Sheet Pane, add icons to show worksheet protection status and sheet tab colors.
5) In the AutoText Pane, support to combine imported AutoText categories.
6) In the AutoText Pane, support to sort AutoText categories or AutoText entries by manually dragging and dropping.
7) In the Column list Pane, add a toggle button to unhide/hide columns.
8) In the Name manager Pane, remind users when modifying a named range and switching to other panes without saving changes.
9) Optimize icons, language, etc.

4. Super Filter
1) Add a Close the scenario button in the toolbar.
2) Support to specify working scope for filter scenarios: Current worksheet, Current workbook, and All.
3) When opening a filter scenario in a new worksheet or workbook, users can choose to load and synchronize the opening scenario, or create a new scenario based on the opening scenario.
4) Support to wrap long filter criteria.
5) Remind users to save filter scenarios when closing the workbook.
6) Optimize icons, language, etc.

5. Combine Worksheets
1) Support to specify combine mode: combine by row, and combine by column.
2) Add the Password feature, with which users can add passwords to open password-protected workbooks directly when combining.

6. Send Emails
This feature is enhanced to support using Outlook’s signature settings.


1. Fixed: Insert Pictures from Path (URL) feature cannot insert pictures from some special website.
2. Fixed: Send Emails feature cannot identify some special characters in cells, such as the newline character.
3. Fixed: Some dialogs display abnormally with Multi-screen HDPI.
4. Fixed other minor bugs.
This version is missing split to cell
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