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Como vlookup e retornar vários valores sem duplicatas no Excel? 

Autor: Xiao Yang Última modificação: 2018-05-03

Às vezes, você pode querer vlookup e retornar vários valores correspondentes em uma única célula de uma vez. Mas, se houver alguns valores repetidos preenchidos nas células retornadas, como você poderia ignorar as duplicatas e apenas manter os valores exclusivos ao retornar todos os valores correspondentes conforme a captura de tela a seguir mostrada no Excel?

doc retorna vários valores únicos 1

Vlookup e retorna vários valores correspondentes sem duplicatas usando a função definida pelo usuário

Vlookup e retorna vários valores correspondentes sem duplicatas usando a função definida pelo usuário

O seguinte código VBA pode ajudá-lo a retornar vários valores correspondentes sem duplicatas, faça o seguinte:

1. Segure o Alt + F11 chaves para abrir o Microsoft Visual Basic para Aplicações janela.

2. Clique inserção > Móduloe cole o seguinte código no Módulo Janela.

Código VBA: Vlookup e retorna vários valores correspondentes exclusivos:

Function MultipleLookupNoRept(Lookupvalue As String, LookupRange As Range, ColumnNumber As Integer)
    Dim xDic As New Dictionary
    Dim xRows As Long
    Dim xStr As String
    Dim i As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    xRows = LookupRange.Rows.Count
    For i = 1 To xRows
        If LookupRange.Columns(1).Cells(i).Value = Lookupvalue Then
            xDic.Add LookupRange.Columns(ColumnNumber).Cells(i).Value, ""
        End If
    xStr = ""
    MultipleLookupNoRept = xStr
    If xDic.Count > 0 Then
        For i = 0 To xDic.Count - 1
            xStr = xStr & xDic.Keys(i) & ","
        MultipleLookupNoRept = Left(xStr, Len(xStr) - 1)
    End If
End Function

3. Após inserir o código, clique em Ferramentas > Referências no aberto Microsoft Visual Basic para Aplicações janela e, em seguida, no Referências - VBAProject caixa de diálogo, verifique Tempo de execução de scripts da Microsoft opção no Referências Disponíveis caixa de lista, veja a captura de tela:

doc retorna vários valores únicos 2

4. Então clique OK para fechar a caixa de diálogo, salve e feche a janela de código, retorne à planilha e insira esta fórmula: =MultipleLookupNoRept(E2,A2:C17,3) em uma célula em branco onde você deseja produzir o resultado, pressione Entrar chave para obter o resultado correto conforme necessário. Veja a imagem:

doc retorna vários valores únicos 3

Note: Na fórmula acima, E2 são os critérios que você deseja ver, A2: C17 é o intervalo de dados que você deseja usar, o número 3 é o número da coluna que contém os valores retornados.

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This is great! How would I adapt this to not add null values to the dictionary? I've tried adding the bold below, but the final string is still returning with ,"", instances.

xRows = LookupRange.Rows.Count
For i = 1 To xRows
If LookupRange.Columns(1).Cells(i).Value = Lookupvalue And Not IsEmpty(LookupRange.Columns(1).Cells(i).Value) Then
xDic.Add LookupRange.Columns(ColumnNumber).Cells(i).Value, ""
End If

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Hello , I did as u told and it great but it still havent solve one of my problem , what happen when u unique value in each month ? =MultipleLookupNoRept(E2,A2:C17,3) , i try to E2&1 for January but it not working
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Hi, Jame,
Could you give your problem as a screenshot here, so that i can understand your requires?
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while the time of lot value multivlooks my worksheet got there any other ways to multivlookupwithoutrepeation????

and also i used on new desktop also its getting hang only...

my data value is around 10,000 rows
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I wanted to create a list in a table from this instead of all results in one cell. So I have used a formula similar below (what you have suggested)

=LOOKUP(2, 1/((COUNTIF($E$1:E1, $B$2:$B$12)=0)*($D$2=$A$2:$A$12)), $B$2:$B$12)

However, this is taking a long time to process from a large set of data.
Is there any alternative method to process this faster?
Thanks again
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xStr = xStr & xDic.Keys(I) & "," to be this: xStr = xStr & xDic.Keys(I) & ", "

Is there a way to replace "," with in-cell ALT+ENTER, so that the results will be in the same cell but on different lines? Do I need to introduce additional VBA module for that and combine them?

Also, this code is quite slow when looping over huge tables. Anyone knows any faster solutions?
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Hi, Imre,
To separate the result values by Alt + Enter keys, please apply the following User Defined Function:

Function MultipleLookupNoRept(Lookupvalue As String, LookupRange As Range, ColumnNumber As Integer)
Dim xDic As New Dictionary
Dim xRows As Long
Dim xStr As String
Dim i As Long
On Error Resume Next
xRows = LookupRange.Rows.Count
For i = 1 To xRows
If LookupRange.Columns(1).Cells(i).Value = Lookupvalue Then
xDic.Add LookupRange.Columns(ColumnNumber).Cells(i).Value, ""
End If
xStr = ""
MultipleLookupNoRept = xStr
If xDic.Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To xDic.Count - 1
xStr = xStr & xDic.Keys(i) & Chr(10) + Chr(13)
MultipleLookupNoRept = Left(xStr, Len(xStr) - 1)
End If
Debug.Print xStr
End Function

And then do with the above steps in this article, at last, after entering the formula, you should click Wrap Text under the Home tab.
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Is there a way to add a space in between the multiple values retrieved in the results without introducing a comma at the end of the list? For example your result above would show as: "Emily, James, Daisy, Gary" instead of like this: "Emily,James,Daisy,Gary"

I tried to edit this portion of the VBA code: xStr = xStr & xDic.Keys(I) & "," to be this: xStr = xStr & xDic.Keys(I) & ", "

That did add the space in between the values, but it also added a comma after the last value. "Emily, James, Daisy, Gary,"

Is there a way to make it work with the space but without the extra comma after the last value?
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Hello, Demetre,
Use the space to separate the values, you just need to change the vba code:
from xStr = xStr & xDic.Keys(i) & "," to be this: xStr = xStr & xDic.Keys(i) & " "

Please try it.
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what if I wanted to create a list in a table from this instead of all results in one cell?
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Hello, Tom,
If you want to extract the unique values in a list of cells instead of one cell, the following formula may help you:

=LOOKUP(2, 1/((COUNTIF($E$1:E1, $B$2:$B$12)=0)*($D$2=$A$2:$A$12)), $B$2:$B$12)

Please try it.
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Hi skyyang what if you want the result as a column?
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Hi Skyyang,

Thank you very much for this formula.
This works for me. However, it is taking a long time to process from a large set of data.
Can we modify this formula to work this bit faster?
Thanks again
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