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Como criar automaticamente um nome de remetente caro ao responder uma mensagem no Outlook?

Ao responder a mensagem de e-mail, você deve digitar o nome do remetente e saudações manualmente. Para economizar tempo e melhorar a eficiência do trabalho, você pode considerar a criação de um nome de remetente caro e saudações automaticamente no Outlook. Neste artigo, falarei sobre alguns métodos úteis para resolver essa tarefa no Outlook.

Crie um nome de remetente caro e saudações automaticamente ao responder a mensagem com o código VBA

Crie o nome e as saudações de um remetente querido automaticamente ao responder uma mensagem com o Kutools para Outlook

Crie um nome de remetente caro e saudações automaticamente ao responder a mensagem com o código VBA

O seguinte código VBA pode ajudá-lo a inserir automaticamente o nome e saudações de um remetente caro ao responder uma mensagem de e-mail, faça o seguinte:

1. Segure o ALT + F11 chaves para abrir o Microsoft Visual Basic para Aplicações janela.

2. No Microsoft Visual Basic para Aplicações janela, clique duplo Esta sessão do Outlook do Projeto1 (VbaProject.OTM) painel para abrir o modo e, em seguida, copie e cole o código a seguir no módulo em branco.

Código VBA: insira automaticamente o nome de um remetente caro e saudações ao responder:

Public WithEvents GExplorer As Outlook.Explorer
Public WithEvents GMailItem As Outlook.MailItem
Private Sub Application_Startup()
    Set GExplorer = Outlook.Application.ActiveExplorer
End Sub
Private Sub GExplorer_SelectionChange()
    Dim xItem As Object
    On Error Resume Next
    Set xItem = GExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
    If xItem.Class <> olMail Then Exit Sub
    Set GMailItem = xItem
End Sub
Private Sub GMailItem_Reply(ByVal Response As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
    AutoAddGreetingToReply Response
End Sub
Private Sub GMailItem_ReplyAll(ByVal Response As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
    AutoAddGreetingToReply Response
End Sub
Sub AutoAddGreetingToReply(Item As Object)
    Dim xGreetStr As String
    Dim xReplyMail As MailItem
    Dim xSenderName As String
    Dim xRecipient As Recipient
    On Error Resume Next
    If Item.Class <> olMail Then Exit Sub
    Set xReplyMail = Item
    For Each xRecipient In xReplyMail.Recipients
        If xSenderName = "" Then
            xSenderName = xRecipient.Name
            xSenderName = xSenderName & "," & xRecipient.Name
        End If
    Next xRecipient
    Select Case Time
           Case 0.3 To 0.5
                xGreetStr = " Good morning!"
           Case 0.5 To 0.75
                xGreetStr = " Good afternoon!"
           Case Else
                xGreetStr = " Good evening!"
    End Select
    With xReplyMail
        .HTMLBody = "<HTML><Body>Dear " & xSenderName & ",</HTML></Body>" & xGreetStr & .HTMLBody
    End With
End Sub

doc auto querido remetente nome 1

3. Em seguida, feche o Outlook e reinicie-o para obter o efeito do código, e agora, quando você responde a uma mensagem de e-mail, o nome de um querido remetente e saudações são inseridos no corpo automaticamente, veja a imagem:

doc auto querido remetente nome 2

Crie o nome e as saudações de um remetente querido automaticamente ao responder uma mensagem com o Kutools para Outlook

Se você tem Kutools for Outlook, Com o seu Adicionar saudação ao responder recurso, o Outlook irá inserir automaticamente o nome do remetente ao responder.

Kutools for Outlook : com mais de 100 suplementos úteis do Outlook, grátis para testar sem limitação em 60 dias. 

Depois de instalar Kutools for Outlook, por favor, faça o seguinte:

1. Clique Kutools > Opções, veja a captura de tela:

doc auto querido remetente nome 3

2. No Opções caixa de diálogo, sob o Resposta guia, cheque Adicionar saudação ao responder opção e, em seguida, insira as saudações conforme necessário, consulte a captura de tela:

doc auto querido remetente nome 4

3. Então clique OK para finalizar esta configuração, a partir de agora, ao responder uma mensagem, as saudações serão criadas automaticamente na frente do corpo da mensagem, veja a imagem:

doc auto querido remetente nome 5

Clique para baixar o Kutools para Outlook e testar gratuitamente agora!

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Kutools for Outlook - Mais de 100 recursos poderosos para turbinar seu Outlook

🤖 Assistente de correio AI: E-mails profissionais instantâneos com magia de IA – um clique para respostas geniais, tom perfeito, domínio multilíngue. Transforme o envio de e-mails sem esforço! ...

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📨 Gestão de E-mail: Lembre-se facilmente de e-mails  /  Bloquear e-mails fraudulentos por assuntos e outros  /  Apagar Emails Duplicados  /  Pesquisa Avançada  /  Consolidar pastas ...

📁 Anexos PróSalvar em lote  /  Desanexar lote  /  Comprimir em Lote  /  Salvamento automático   /  Desanexação Automática  /  Compressão automática ...

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Comments (12)
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Hi skyyang,

I need the macro to insert only the first name of the person I receive the email from. Not all the names from CC, but not to remove anyone. Also, to maintain my default color scale (R: 31, G: 73, B: 125) and font size (11 pt) with an additional line after the sender name. Please help me with this. Thanks in advance
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Puis je avoir le code VBA pour insérer "Bonjour prénom," seulement ???

Merci de votre aide.
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Hello, Nicolas
Please apply the below code:
Public WithEvents GExplorer As Outlook.Explorer
Public WithEvents GMailItem As Outlook.MailItem
Private Sub Application_Startup()
    Set GExplorer = Outlook.Application.ActiveExplorer
End Sub
Private Sub GExplorer_SelectionChange()
    Dim xItem As Object
    On Error Resume Next
    Set xItem = GExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
    If xItem.Class <> olMail Then Exit Sub
    Set GMailItem = xItem
End Sub
Private Sub GMailItem_Reply(ByVal Response As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
    AutoAddGreetingToReply Response
End Sub
Private Sub GMailItem_ReplyAll(ByVal Response As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
    AutoAddGreetingToReply Response
End Sub
Sub AutoAddGreetingToReply(Item As Object)
    Dim xReplyMail As MailItem
    Dim xSenderName As String
    Dim xRecipient As Recipient
    On Error Resume Next
    If Item.Class <> olMail Then Exit Sub
    Set xReplyMail = Item
    For Each xRecipient In xReplyMail.Recipients
        If xSenderName = "" Then
            xSenderName = xRecipient.Name
            xSenderName = xSenderName & "," & xRecipient.Name
        End If
    Next xRecipient
    With xReplyMail
        .HTMLBody = "<HTML><Body>Dear " & xSenderName & ",</HTML></Body>" & .HTMLBody
    End With
End Sub

Please have a try, hope it can help you!
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What do i need to edit in the VBA code to include first name only and to omit the "(s)" after Dear?
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Hello, Matt,
To solve your problem, the follwoing VBA code may do you a favor:
Public WithEvents GExplorer As Outlook.Explorer
Public WithEvents GMailItem As Outlook.MailItem
Private Sub Application_Startup()
  Set GExplorer = Outlook.Application.ActiveExplorer
End Sub
Private Sub GExplorer_SelectionChange()
  Dim xItem As Object
  On Error Resume Next
  Set xItem = GExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
  If xItem.Class <> olMail Then Exit Sub
  Set GMailItem = xItem
End Sub
Private Sub GMailItem_Reply(ByVal Response As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
  AutoAddGreetingToReply Response
End Sub
Private Sub GMailItem_ReplyAll(ByVal Response As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
  AutoAddGreetingToReply Response
End Sub
Sub AutoAddGreetingToReply(Item As Object)
  Dim xGreetStr As String
  Dim xReplyMail As MailItem
  Dim xSenderName As String
  Dim xRcpName As String
  Dim xRecipient As Recipient
  Dim xContactItem As ContactItem
  Dim xExUser As ExchangeUser
  On Error Resume Next
  If Item.Class <> olMail Then Exit Sub
  Set xReplyMail = Item
  xSenderName = ""
  xRcpName = ""
  For Each xRecipient In xReplyMail.Recipients
    Set xExUser = Nothing
    Set xContactItem = Nothing
    If xRecipient.AddressEntry.AddressEntryUserType < 6 Then
      Set xExUser = xRecipient.AddressEntry.GetExchangeUser
      Set xContactItem = xRecipient.AddressEntry.GetContact
    End If
    If Not xExUser Is Nothing Then
      If xSenderName = "" Then
        xSenderName = xExUser.FirstName
        If xSenderName = "" Then
          xSenderName = xRecipient.Name
        End If
        xSenderName = xSenderName & ", " & xExUser.FirstName
        If xExUser.FirstName = "" Then
          xSenderName = xSenderName & xRecipient.Name
        End If
      End If
    ElseIf Not xContactItem Is Nothing Then
      If xSenderName = "" Then
        xSenderName = xContactItem.FirstName
        If xSenderName = "" Then
          xSenderName = xRecipient.Name
        End If
        xSenderName = xSenderName & ", " & xContactItem.FirstName
        If xRecipient.FirstName = "" Then
          xSenderName = xSenderName & xRecipient.Name
        End If
      End If
      If xSenderName = "" Then
        xSenderName = xRecipient.Name
        xSenderName = xSenderName & ", " & xRecipient.Name
      End If
    End If
  Next xRecipient
  Select Case Time
    Case 0.3 To 0.5
      xGreetStr = " Good morning!"
    Case 0.5 To 0.75
      xGreetStr = " Good afternoon!"
    Case Else
      xGreetStr = " Good evening!"
  End Select
  With xReplyMail
    .HTMLBody = "<HTML><Body>Dear " & xSenderName & ",</HTML></Body>" & xGreetStr & .HTMLBody
  End With
End Sub

Please have a try, hope it can help you!
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Thank you for the suggestions, although it does not work. I wish to include the first name only and to omit the "(s)" after Dear?
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Hello, Matt,
The above code works well.
First, you must make sure the recipient address has been added into the Contact folder in your Outlook.
If the recipient isn't in the Contact folder, when you applying this code, the full nae will be displayed.
Thank you!
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Thank you for your reply! I will add contacts to my folder. I was wondering if there is a way to always display the first name only, even without contacts within my folder. For context, I work at a large university, and would be difficult and time-consuming to find all staff members individually.
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Hello, Matt,

Sorry, if you haven't added the contact to the contact folder, the code will not get the recipient's first name.
Thank you!
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What do i need to edit in the VBA code to include first name only and to omit the "(s)" after Dear?
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Dear Team,

If I have set up the above configuration however, if I am replying to an email that has multiply recipients in the To, the greeting is not defaulting. How do I achieve this?
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Hello, Wesley,
Yes, as you said, if there are multiple recipients in the To field, the greeting will not be inserted by default.
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