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Como contar valores exclusivos com base em outra coluna do Excel?

contagem de documentos única por critério 1

Pode ser comum contar valores exclusivos em apenas uma coluna, mas, neste artigo, falarei sobre como contar valores exclusivos com base em outra coluna. Por exemplo, tenho os dados de duas colunas a seguir, agora, preciso contar os nomes exclusivos na coluna B com base no conteúdo da coluna A para obter o seguinte resultado:

Conte valores únicos com base em outra coluna com fórmula de matriz

seta azul bolha direita Conte valores únicos com base em outra coluna com fórmula de matriz

Para resolver este problema, a seguinte fórmula pode ajudá-lo, faça o seguinte:

1. Insira esta fórmula: =SUMPRODUCT((($A$2:$A$18=D2))/COUNTIFS($A$2:$A$18,$A$2:$A$18&"",$B$2:$B$18,$B$2:$B$18&"")) em uma célula em branco onde você deseja colocar o resultado, E2, por exemplo. E então pressione Ctrl + Shift + Enter juntas para obter o resultado correto, veja a captura de tela:

contagem de documentos única por critério 2

Note: Na fórmula acima: A2: A18 são os dados da coluna nos quais você conta os valores exclusivos com base, B2: B18 é a coluna em que você deseja contar os valores únicos, D2 contém os critérios nos quais você conta como exclusivo.

2. Em seguida, arraste a alça de preenchimento para baixo para obter os valores exclusivos dos critérios correspondentes. Veja a imagem:

contagem de documentos única por critério 3

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Como contar valores iguais ou duplicados apenas uma vez em uma coluna?

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Hi, thanks for this formula, I'm having an issue implementing it across two Worksheets. In my example, your columns A and B are on one sheet, and D and E are on another, which collects similar data from other year-based Sheets. If I put the formula on the sheet where D (Area) and E are, in E it just returns a zero =SUMPRODUCT(((MHST2324[@Team]=[@Area]))/COUNTIFS(MHST2324[@Team],MHST2324[@Team]&"",MHST2324[@School],MHST2324[@School]&"")). However if I put the formula on the Sheet where A (Team) and B (School) are, it works =SUMPRODUCT((([@Team]=Schools[Area]))/COUNTIFS([@Team],[@Team]&"",[@School],[@School]&"")), any ideas as to why?
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Hey, thanks for this formula, I'm having a problem where
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Классная формула, но как сделать чтобы в столбец A и B можно было постоянно добавлять и не менять формулу ? закрепить не диапазон а столбцы
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Hello, DM,
In fact, you can enlarg the cell references as you need. For example:
Please remeber to press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together.
Please have a try, hope it can help you!
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Is there a way to do this but not count a blank cell as a value?
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Hello, MB
To count the unqiue values with criteria and skip the blank cell, you should apply the below array formula:

After pasting the fromula, please press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together.

Please try, hope it can help you!
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Thank you very much for this but how does it work with a large data set. I realised it returns #N/A when the data is beyond row 78
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I would need to do something similar but with dates: on a sheet in which the dates are indicated in the first column, many repeated, I would like to know how many different dates there are that meet a certain condition that appears in another column. I am applying that formula but it gives me an error. Could you help me? Thanks.
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Does anyone know what the ampersand-quotes (" &"" ") in the Criteria 1 and 2 portion of the COUNTIFS formula is doing? This formula worked for me I was just hoping to understand it better.
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Worked like a charm. Very much greatful to you.
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OMG.... I have been searching for over a week for a formula that came close to helping me do a distinct count of one column based on another column.... YOURS FINALLY HELPED ;0) I am so happy!!!!!! Now I just need this formula that you posted to do the same thing but based on 2 column instead of one. I am going to try on my own but do you think you can help?
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Hello, EB, To count the unique values based on two columns, please apply the below formula, after entering the formula, please press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together to get the correct result.=SUM(IFERROR(($A$2:$A$15=E2)*($B$2:$B$15=F2)/COUNTIFS($C$2:$C$15,$C$2:$C$15,$A$2:$A$15,E2,$B$2:$B$15,F2),0))
Please try, hope it can help you!
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WOAH, you're a savior, thank you for sharing
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Nevermind it did
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